
无论你们喜不喜欢Alberto Del Rio,恨他也好,不在乎他也好,我们只是在做我们想做且该做的事,分享我们的ADR趣闻,图片也好,视频也好,纯粹文字YY也好。


你会看到这里经常转载她的漫画,我们都是那群人,ADR粉!我们都喜欢、习惯用“#albert del rio”(在Tumblr在点点)这个标签,无论在什么地方什么网络。轻博客是小众们的天地,我懂的!让我们把中国的点点和世界的Tumblr联系起来吧!



ADR fans are the best.

And I’m not just saying that because I’m an ADR fan.

The tag makes my love for Del Rio grow more and more.

Everyone has different tastes in regards to him and they’re all valid points.

Everyone appreciates him for his wrestling ability and doesn’t just treat him as eye candy.

Everyone loves him for his flaws (especially in the English language).

No one is possessive of him or anything.

Everyone seems to be cool with his wife.

Everyone has these cool, quirky ideas for him.

And best of all…

No internal shit-stirring fan drama in the tag. (Only drama that comes out there would be the ones coming from the ADR haters but we don’t let them get to us.)

Tagging this because… I appreciate you all. <3

EDIT: And I love how our love for him even spreads to those who didn’t like him or didn’t care for him before. Lol.