
怎么说呢,作为一个粉,我觉得这有点羡慕嫉妒恨的成分。很多奋斗多年的选手都没得到上位的机会,但Alberto Del Rio火速那个啥了,幕后推手大家都知道是谁。分析那些造成ADR现在heat的原因,那不应该完全由他个人独自承担。

首先,观众反映不好,地球人都知道,但这是谁造成的?也就是火速推他上去那人啊!一次又一次关键时刻改变主意!作为一个母语是非英语的人做英语节目,剧本太重要了,但Raw的剧情组都给了这少年什么呢?烂透无聊的重复再重复DESTINY字段…… 谁不想有很好的群众基础,他们做梦都想,但有时,这种东西你无能为力。有种你们让他用西文promo,他可以诗都给你们编出来!



17.Wrestling Observer报道,Alberto Del Rio被一些WWE同事讨厌,因为他的自大,并被认为他在公司的位置是毫无根据的。

这位两次WWE Champion在幕后被视为令人倒胃口的人,他总是把自己扮作一个后台政治专家,像一个巨星一样高视阔步。同样还有一种观点认为他并没有达到现在位置的水平,因为他的比赛和讲话只能从观众席中得到温和的反映。然而,公司官员则接受这位墨西哥摔角手,因为他们认为他的双语能力、体型和拥有“伟大电影明星的外表”使得他有有巨星的潜力。考虑到Rey Mysterio和Sin Cara的长期未来的不确定性,他的上位还因公司缺少西班牙语明星而加速。

与此同时,Del Rio上周接受95.7 FM The Game采访时承认,他并不喜欢很多WWE同事。当被问到他最不喜欢谁时,这位二代摔角手说他讨厌The Miz。

“这并非秀的一部分,我真的不喜欢那个人。很多次我都想打他的脸,并不是在擂台上。我是说在擂台外。他就像个小女孩一样总是躲着我。”Del Rio说。

“The Miz和我之间有很大的不同,我是一个真正的运动员。他只是一个吵闹的愚蠢的小孩子。他就是那种可能在学校受到欺负的人,这也就是他现在总是很吵闹的并希望得到每个人关注原因,而在我看来他不过如此。”

Del Rio用这句话结束了他对Miz的评价,称他没有很多女性摔迷,因为“他又胖又丑”。


Alberto Del Rio Disliked Backstage, Says He Hates The Miz

Posted by Ashish on 02.16.2012

News on why Alberto Del Rio is so disliked backstage…

The Wrestling Observer reports that Alberto Del Rio has a number of people backstage who don’t like him because of the way he handles himself and because they feel his position is unwarranted. Del Rio is said to portray himself as a master backstage politician that struts around like a superstar. Many feel he doesn’t deserve the push he has gotten since his matches and promos get lukewarm reactions.

Still though, many in WWE management feel that he has superstar potential, view his ability to speak Spanish as a major plus, and feel he has “great movie star looks.” WWE also needs Hispanic stars due to the uncertain long-term futures of Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.

Del Rio admitted during an interview with 95.7 FM in the Bay Area that he doesn’t like many of the other wrestlers in WWE and went as far as to say he hates the Miz.

“This is not part of the show. I really dislike that guy. I’ve tried to punch him in the face several times, not in the ring I mean outside the ring, but he’s just like a little girl, he’s always running away from me,” Del Rio said. “There’s a big difference between The Miz and I, I’m a real athlete, he’s just a loud stupid little kid. He’s probably one of those guys that was bullied when he was in school, that’s the reason he’s now oh so loud and he wants to get attention from everybody, but in my case he’s the real deal.”


Alberto Del Rio disliked by some of his colleagues backstage

The Wrestling Observer reports that Alberto Del Rio is disliked by some of his WWE colleagues due to how he carries himself and the belief that his position in the company is unwarranted.

The two-time WWE Champion is seen as off-putting behind the scenes as he portrays himself as a master backstage politician and struts around as a superstar. There is also a perception that he is not over to the level of his sizable push as his matches and promos garner tepid reactions from the audience. Company officials, however, are receptive to the Mexican grappler as they feel he has superstar potential because he’s bilingual, tall and has a “great movie star look.” His push is also fueled by the company’s need for Hispanic stars given the lack of clarity regarding the long-term futures of Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.

Meanwhile, Del Rio admitted during an interview last week with Bay area sports radio station 95.7 FM The Game that he doesn’t like many of his WWE peers. When asked who he liked the least, the second-generation wrestler said that he hates The Miz.

“This is not part of the show. I really dislike that guy. I’ve tried to punch him in the face several times, not in the ring I mean outside the ring, but he’s just like a little girl, he’s always running away from me,” Del Rio said.

“There’s a big difference between The Miz and I, I’m a real athlete, he’s just a loud stupid little kid. He’s probably one of those guys that was bullied when he was in school, that’s the reason he’s now oh so loud and he wants to get attention from everybody, but in my case he’s the real deal.”

Del Rio capped off his Miz rant by saying that he doesn’t have many female fans because “he’s fat and ugly.”
