
摔角史上的墨西哥传奇 ¡Viva México!

2011-5-5 12:16:07 来源:WWE.com 作者:Steven Fox译(转载请注明出处)

WWE.com讯 如果你以为Cinco de Mayo(墨西哥死亡节,每年5月5日)是Taco Bell(著名墨西哥快餐店)的一种玉米煎饼,那你确实是该好好上堂历史课了。5月5日实际上是墨西哥每年的一个盛大庆典,在1862年的这一天,墨西哥军队在普埃布拉之战上消灭了法国的长年镇压。听起来不怎么样?你得知道当时墨西哥军队人数只有法国的一半,这是Rey Mysterio最欣赏的,受压迫者的胜利。

如果有什么东西能够用来代表墨西哥人的战斗精神,那就是Cinco de Mayo。这也是为什么WWE一直称赞所有前来的墨西哥选手,是他们给WWE带来了强大的“自由格斗”。为了让我们的故事更直接,我们采访了第三代摔角明星,自诩“墨西哥勇士”的Chavo Guerrero。

El Santo勇开先河

任何关于“自由格斗”的讨论,都要从这位摔坛传奇说起。El Santo在上世纪四十年代使职业摔角运动在墨西哥普及起来,他也成为了墨西哥一位家喻户晓的多栖明星,就像如今的John Cena和The Rock一样。“El Santo出演过一部电影,在片中他从外星人吸血鬼那拯救了墨西哥,”Chavo Guerrero说。“那时还是好莱坞最开始的阶段,所以当时看过电影的人们都真的相信这个人可以拯救墨西哥,并把它当作国家英雄。”除了他在摔角场外的荣誉,El Santo还是最先戴面具比赛的选手之一。“他无论如何都不会摘下面具,”Chavo说。“他连洗澡都戴着面具,事实上,在他下葬的时候还依然戴着。”


作为墨西哥摔角第一家族的创始人,Gory Guerrero是一个极具创新性的技术型选手,他创造了很多经典的动作,包括骆驼式固定技。他也是历来最成功的反派角色之一。“我的祖父是墨西哥第一大恶棍,”Chavo说。“他曾经被刺伤,曾经因为打人被逮捕,有人甚至在擂台上拿枪打他,但没打中。”当他不在躲子弹的时候,Gory就会把他关于欺骗,谎言,偷窃和摔角所知道的一切告诉他的四个儿子:Chavo Sr.(Chavo的父亲),Mando,Hector和前WWE冠军Eddie。现在这些都是Guerrero一家最宝贵的遗产。


上世纪50年代到60年代,当时墨西哥摔坛还在不断产生像Blue Demon和Black Shadow一样的国家明星,而Mil Mascaras则是第一个成为国际明星的选手。“他是他那个时代的先驱,”Chavo说。“El Santo是墨西哥的一大巨星,但Mil Mascaras却真正做到了进军美国,日本和欧洲(上世纪七十年代)。”他体型轮廓鲜明,进攻具有爆发力,尽管Mil Mascaras的职业生涯只有区区几十年,但他和WWE名人堂成员Billy Graham的比赛和他1997年皇家大战的出场已经深深映入了WWE粉丝的记忆之中。今天,这位传奇仍然在影响WWE,通过他的侄子—Alberto Del Rio。

Rey Mysterio挑战极限

“自由格斗”的早期更多的是以技术型为特色,我们如今所熟知的快速,激情的技术的发展还需要感谢像El Canek和Dos Caras(Alberto Del Rio的父亲)这样的选手。美国观众最初接触到这种超强重力感的动作还要追溯到1995年的ECW,正是当时Rey Mysterio和Psicosis呈现了一系列开创性的比赛。两位勇敢的选手表演了很多空中动作,震惊了当时费城的观众们,也开始了Mysterio在美国的传奇。“我听说人们尝试模仿Rey有100次,但没人能做的和他一样好。”Chavo承认说。


到目前为止,最大的墨西哥选手加盟风潮是在上世纪九十年代的WCW时期。“他们首先引进了Dean Malenko,Eddie Guerrero和Chris Jericho进入WCW,”Guerrero解释说。“这些选手都是先驱,他们过去都在墨西哥和日本摔角,所以他们拥有美国人前所未见的技术动作。”这种全新的擂台风格,包括像飓风和高空跳跃这样的技术,深深吸引了当时WCW总裁Eric Bischoff的眼球。“这才使他们开始引进像我这样的选手,还有Juventud Guerrera,Rey Mysterio和Psicosis。”Chavo透露说。美国摔角界的墨西哥革命已经打响。


2000年1月31日,Eddie Guerrero将墨西哥摔角第一传奇家族的“自由格斗”从WCW带到了WWE。在接下来的几年里,他的侄子Chavo,他的妻子Vickie和他的兄弟Chavo Classic都加入了进来。“对Eddie和我来说,来到WWE真是太梦幻了,”Chavo说。“从孩提时代起,我就看了很多的墨西哥摔角比赛,但当我成为少年后,看的就都是WWE了。那真是个伟大的时刻,WCW就像大学橄榄球赛,WWE则是职业的。”Guerrero家族并非昙花一现,而是经久不衰。在他们初次登场后的这么多年里,Vickie已经成为WWE最成功的反派之一,而Chavo已经赢得过ECW,轻重量级和WWE双打冠军。

Eddie Guerrero登峰造极

在El Santo在墨西哥普及摔角运动后的50多年后,Eddie Guerrero在2004年的No Way Out上用经典的Frog Splash战胜了Brock Lesnar,成为了第一位赢得WWE冠军的墨西哥裔美国人。“老实说,我们的目标本来不是WWE冠军,”Chavo透露说。“我们本来只是想成为WWE双打冠军,在2002年Survivor Series上我们做到了这一点。但当你赢得一项成就之后,自然就想着更高的了。”虽然Chavo当时与他叔叔一直不和,但他依然被这项重大的成就所震撼了。“那真是登峰造极了。Eddie夺冠的第二天晚上,我和他为冠军打了场比赛,真实难以置信。”

Rey Mysterio攀上职业巅峰

2006年4月2日,Rey Mysterio在摔角狂热22上的三重威胁赛上战胜了Kurt Angle和Randy Orton,成为了首位赢得世界冠军的面具选手。Rey达成的了不起的成就彻底巩固了“自由格斗”在美国摔角界的地位,Chavo还清楚地记得那一天。“Rey和我经常被别人认为太矮小了,我们一辈子一直听到这个,”Chavo说。“人总会有怀疑者,但重要的是要相信自己。只要足够自信,什么事情都能做到。Rey Mysterio,一个170磅,5尺4寸的摔角手,成为了世界冠军,这就是最有力的证据。”

Alberto Del Rio成就个人命运

作为墨西哥极富盛名的摔跤家族的后代,Alberto Del Rio在2010年亮相WWE后的几个月内就成为了SmackDown的主角,这让很多WWE观众刮目相看。Chavo对这位贵族的成功却并不吃惊,“我知道他有过16场MMA比赛经历,他在16岁的时候就加入了墨西哥国家摔跤队。”Guerrero透露说。“他是所有人都不愿意面对的选手,因为他很能打。”这种格斗竞技比赛的经历让Del Rio很强悍,但使他真正立足WWE的却是他深厚的“自由格斗”经验。“他是一个大家伙,但他能做出轻量级选手的动作,”Guerrero解释说。“自由格斗能让人在擂台上更游刃有余。”

Sin Cara横空出世

在Rey Mysterio将高空自由风格带来WWE的近10年后,一位充满活力,反重力感的选手,Sin Cara在Raw横空出世。作为墨西哥国内的重量级票房明星,这位面具奇人用他惊艳的动作技巧打动了WWE观众,但这位明星离成为开辟时代的WWE传奇还有很长的一段路要走。“Mysterio改变了摔角的方式,”Chavo说。“当然,Sin Cara在他之后来,所以他采用了很多Rey的动作。他其实有很多自己的动作,但他能否成为Rey一样的传奇还很难说。”


¡Viva México!

BY Ryan Murphy May 04, 2011

If you think Cinco de Mayo is something you put on your burrito at Taco Bell, then you need a quick history lesson. May 5 is actually the annual celebration of the Mexican army’s 1862 smackdown of France in the Battle of Puebla. Doesn’t seem like a big deal? Consider the fact that the Mexican soldiers were outnumbered by the French two to one — that’s an underdog victory even Rey Mysterio could appreciate.

If anything represents the fighting spirit of the Mexican people, it’s Cinco de Mayo. That’s why WWE.com is paying tribute to the proud Mexican wrestlers who helped bring the influential “lucha libre” (Spanish for “free fighting”) style of competition to WWE. And to make sure we had our story straight, we spoke with third-generation Superstar Chavo Guerrero. Who better to ask than the self-proclaimed “Mexican Warrior”?

Mexican legend El Santo works over an opponent.El Santo Starts The Fire

Any discussion about the history of lucha libre begins with this ring legend. A legitimate icon south of the border, El Santo popularized professional wrestling in Mexico in the 1940s and became a crossover celebrity akin to WWE Superstars like John Cena and The Rock. “El Santo did a movie where he saved Mexico from alien vampires,” Chavo Guerrero told WWE.com. “This was the early times of Hollywood, so people saw the movie, really believed this guy saved Mexico and he became a national hero.” In addition to his fame outside the ropes, El Santo was one of the first ring competitors to don a mask. “He didn’t take his mask off for anything,” Chavo said. “He used to shower with his mask on. In fact, he was buried with his mask on.”

Eddie Guerrero’s father, Gory, is a Mexican legend.Los Guerreros Are Born

The patriarch of the first family of Mexican wrestling, Gory Guerrero was an innovative mat technician who created the camel clutch and many other holds. He was also one of the most hated bad guys of all time. “My grandfather was the No. 1 villain in all of Mexico,” Chavo said. “He was stabbed, he was arrested for beating people up, someone shot at him in the ring and missed him.” When he wasn’t dodging bullets, Gory was passing on everything he knew about lying, cheating, stealing and wrestling to his four sons: Chavo Sr. (Chavo’s father), Mando, Hector and former WWE Champion Eddie. Now that’s a legacy.

International standour Mil Mascaras was a great flyer.Lucha Libre Goes International

While Mexican wrestling continued to produce national stars like Blue Demon and Black Shadow throughout the ’50s and ’60s, Mil Máscaras was the first luchador to truly achieve international stardom. “He was a pioneer for his time,” Chavo said. “El Santo had been a big star in Mexico, but Mil Máscaras really crossed over into the United States and Japan and Europe [in the 1970s].” A masked wrestler with a chiseled physique and an explosive offense, Máscaras’ career spanned multiple decades, but he is best remembered by classic WWE fans for his series of matches against WWE Hall of Famer “Superstar” Billy Graham and his appearance in the 1997 Royal Rumble. Today, the legend’s impact is still felt in WWE through his nephew — Raw Superstar Alberto Del Rio.

Rey Mysterio competes in ECW.Rey Mysterio Gets Extreme

The early days of lucha libre featured a more technical style, but the lighting-fast, breathtaking feats we know today developed over a number of years thanks to stars like El Canek and Dos Caras (Alberto Del Rio’s father). But American audiences got their first real taste of this gravity-defying brand of action when legendary luchadores Rey Mysterio and Psicosis faced off in a series of groundbreaking matches in Extreme Championship Wrestling in 1995. The two fierce competitors put on a clinic of aerial moves that wowed the small Philadelphia audience and began the legend of Mysterio in America. “I’ve heard people compared [to Mysterio] a 100 times, but nobody can do it like Rey,” Chavo admitted.

Luchadores compete in WCW.The Revolution Is Televised

By far the biggest influx of south of the border talent came to WCW in the latter half of the ’90s. “They first brought the luchadores over after Dean [Malenko], Eddie [Guerrero] and Chris [Jericho] came to WCW,” Guerrero explained. “Those guys were the pioneers. They all wrestled in Mexico and Japan, so they had this style that nobody had ever seen before.” This new in-ring style, which consisted of aerial maneuvers like hurricanranas and top rope dives, caught the eye of WCW President Eric Bischoff. “That’s when they started bringing in people like me, Juventud Guerrera, Rey Mysterio and Psicosis,” Chavo revealed. The Mexican revolution had truly begun.

Los Guerreros celebrate their title win.Los Guerreros Steal The Spotlight

On Jan. 31, 2000, Eddie Guerrero debuted in WWE after leaving WCW, bringing the lucha style — and the legacy of Mexican wrestling’s first family — with him. In the following years, his nephew, Chavo, wife, Vickie, and brother, Chavo Classic, would all join him. “It was huge for Eddie and I to come [to WWE],” Chavo said. “As young kids we’d see a lot of Mexican wrestling, but when we became teenagers it was all about WWE. That was the big time. WCW was like college football, and WWE was pro football.” Los Guerreros’ impact wasn’t only immediate, it was sustained. In the years since their debut, Vickie has become one of WWE’s greatest villains while Chavo has held the ECW, Cruiserweight and WWE Tag Team Championships.

Eddie Guerrero wins the WWE Title.Eddie Takes The Whole Enchilada

More than 50 years after El Santo popularized professional wrestling in Mexico, Eddie Guerrero became the first Mexican-American to win the WWE Championship when he defeated Brock Lesnar with a Frog Splash at No Way Out in 2004. “To be honest, our goal wasn’t to be WWE Champions,” Chavo revealed. “[Our goal] was to be the WWE Tag Team Champions, and we achieved that at Survivor Series in 2002. But after you achieve that, your goal is to be the top dog.” Although Chavo was at odds with his uncle at the time, he was still moved by the momentous achievement. “That was the top of the top. The next night in Fresno, I wrestled Eddie for the title. It was incredible.”

Rey wins the World Championship.Rey Jumps To The Top

On April 2, 2006, The Ultimate Underdog achieved the impossible when he defeated Kurt Angle and Randy Orton in a Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania 22 to win the World Championship, becoming the first masked luchador to hold the title. Rey’s amazing accomplishment truly cemented the legacy of the lucha libre influence on American ring competition. Chavo remembered the day fondly. “[Rey and I] were always told we were too small. We heard that our whole lives,” Chavo said. “You always have doubters, but you just have to believe. As long as you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything. Rey Mysterio, a 170-pound, 5-foot-4 wrestler, has been the World Champion. That’s a testament to that.”

Alberto Del Rio fulfills his destiny.Alberto Del Rio Fulfills His Destiny

The privileged son of one of Mexico’s premier wrestling families, Alberto Del Rio shocked many in the WWE Universe when he rose to the top of SmackDown within months of his 2010 debut. The aristocrat’s success did not surprise Chavo, though. “I knew he had 16 professional MMA fights. He made the national wrestling team in Mexico at 16,” Guerrero revealed. “He was a guy you didn’t want to mess with, because he’d kick your butt.” This background in combat sports made Del Rio tough, but it was his extensive lucha experience that put him a step ahead of the competition, Chavo believes. “He’s a big guy, but he can move like a cruiserweight,” Guerrero explained. “Wrestling a lucha style gives you a different facet in the ring.”

Sin Cara springs into action.Sin Cara Springs Into Action

Nearly a decade since Rey Mysterio brought the high-flying lucha style to WWE, a dynamic, gravity-defying sensation by the name of Sin Cara exploded onto Raw. A massive box-office star in his native Mexico, the masked marvel has stunned the WWE Universe with his amazing maneuvers, but the Superstar still has a long way to go if he wants to live up to the legacy of the man who blazed the trail. “Mysterio changed the way luchadores wrestle,” Chavo said. “Of course, Sin Cara came after Rey, so he adopted a lot of Rey’s moves. He has his own style, but it’s still to be seen if he can live up to the legend of Rey Mysterio.”
