
大妈,你知道这是体育娱乐吧?你知道Alberto Del Rio的角色是heel是坏人吧?你的儿子8岁了,都小学2年级了,应该知道什么是真的假的。你得知道一个演坏人角色的人选择在你身上做文章这你的荣幸!但大妈却去投诉,说摔角手越界了,说他在欺负小孩。老天爷,1个八岁的孩子居然还为此哭了一晚上,这咋整啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。按照这个推理,Alberto Del Rio的儿子岂不是每天都得哭24小时?因为他爸爸每周都被Sheamus虐,不是言语,是直接挨拳打脚踢,他儿子是不是要跑去把老麦给灭了呢?

醒醒吧!WWE是PG,是家长指引,但显然这个家长,这个妈妈啥都不大懂。 如果她真懂的话她应该告诉儿子,要记住这个人,长大后千万不能做这种人!DON’T BE A BULLY, BE A STAR! 是憎恨是抵制是最大限度燃烧正能量而不是为了一个坏人做的坏事哭一个晚上。


于是,我终于理解为什么Alberto Del Rio在 某个采访里谈到他希望大家能给heel们多一点发挥的空间。

撕摔迷的标语,尤其是对爱恨特分明的孩子下手,这种不是故意伤害,这不过是一个最显而易见的角色扮演而已,纯粹只想你们恨这个角色! Alberto Del Rio在WWE当heel 2年多,毁在他手里的摔迷标语绝对>20!但他一年有200场以上的表演,所以,你明白这种“偶然”的下手是多么的幸运?




‘Shark Tank’ Winner WWE Star Made My Son Cry DEMANDS APOLOGY

A mother will do anything to protect her kid – just ask former “Shark Tank” winner Shelly Ehler … who’s picking a fight with a 6'5”, 239-pound WWE star after he made her 8-year-old cry.

Ehler – who scored a $75k investment on “Tank” for her ShoNo towels – has a serious beef with Alberto Del Rio … who snatched her son’s handmade sign during a WWE event in Anaheim, CA this weekend … and RIPPED IT UP (or at least tried to).

In the video (above) Del Rio isn’t quite strong enough to rip the sign in half (it is cardboard) … so he takes off small, pathetic, chunks instead.

FYI – it’s standard practice for the wrestlers to interact with audience members “in character.” In this case, the sign was pro-Sheamus … the wrestling arch-nemesis of Del Rio.

But TMZ spoke to Shelly, who says her 8-year-old was terrified by the wrestler’s actions and instantly burst into tears. She adds, “Del Rio is a bully. I looked at him and said ‘he’s crying’ … and he mocked him.”

Shelly – who says her 8-year-old cried all the all way home – vented her frustrations to the wrestler on Twitter and then fired off a an angry letter to the WWE.

In the letter she says, “Take signs from adults NOT KIDS! My son was bullied by your superstars and it is not okay.”

Despite her demands, Shelly claims she’s heard crickets from Del Rio – but his manager tweeted her back and said, “lol blah blah blah.” FYI – as soon as Shelly contacted Sheamus about the incident … he immediately offered to send her son a signed photo and meet with him next time he’s in town.
