虽然,这很说得过去,但是,我还是要囧囧囧。UFC那边拉丁巨星登顶了,为啥你WWE这边也来及时凑热闹呢…… 跟风神马真是让人非常无语……

不过呢,UFC PPV的爆炸性成功也就说明了拉丁人群是个非常有power的消费体,肥猪肉有木有,WWE肿么可以木有人当这个方面的摇钱树呢,必须的嘛!

Backstage News On Alberto Del Rio’s Title Win, The Miz Talks Rock Vs. Punk, JR

By Marc Middleton | January 24, 2013

It’s no secret within WWE that Alberto Del Rio’s World Heavyweight Title push is tied into Cain Velasquez winning the UFC Heavyweight Title and doing a shockingly big number on pay-per-view. Del Rio’s title win happened about a week after WWE became aware that the UFC show with Latin Superstar Velasquez winning did a lot better than expected going in.
