虽然我有订阅PWInsider的新闻,但我却从未见过这条,也没有在其它摔角新闻网站看到过。但从Alberto Del Rio的性格判断,他真有可能干这种事——直接找老板叫板,毛遂自荐说自己很OK。

WWE Raw 2013-01-14的Raw上是Vince McMahon亲自引出Alberto Del Rio和Big Show promo的,而且最后老麦还给ADR报幕了!我不知道为什么老麦这么喜欢ADR,但为什么老麦会不喜欢ADR呢?!


无论你信不信,xrspook成为Del Rio粉丝原因之一是我一直都能在这个少年身上感受到努力上进的气场!

Creative & Vince McMahon happy about Del Rio babyface turn.

2/23/2013 PPWinsider News

According to PWinsider, there has been alot of backstage talk among officals and Del Rio himself of how succesful his planned babyface turn went. There were some people backstage, said to have been unsure on the idea of turning Del Rio and for weeks the idea was nixed on many occasions. It had also been said that Del Rio was pushing to freshen up his character, and with WWE looking to expand more into the hispanic market, he went to Vince McMahon and personally asked him to change into a fan-favourite. Vince McMahon was also said to be very keen on the idea, and that Del Rio personally asking to freshen up his character, gained him alot of support from the boss himself.
