因为Rey Mysterio“时日无多”,Sin Cara语言障碍以及擂台上的各种习惯性真理性失误,Alberto Del Rio成为撑起拉丁裔市场的最佳人选。但现在高层却觉得捧Del Rio的效果不如人意,尤其在开始他和Jack Swagger的剧情后,为什么会这样呢?

你们有让我们在乎的理由吗?Swagger纯粹是惹人讨厌,但Swagger最讨厌的point不在Del Rio,Del Rio也没有要和Swagger来个你死我活的理由,这到底是什么剧情!该建立矛盾的两人简单来说没有矛盾!!!

Del Rio还只是个green hand,是个需要培养成长起来的顶级babyface,但在这个不合里,没有让他可以有什么发挥的余地。首先,为了保持新鲜感,他没有得到好的对手进行很好的比赛。Raw里没有时间这很正常,但在Smackdown他能在主战赛里一对一的机会也很少,他可是代表Smackdown的WHC啊!既然他的mic技不能一步登天,一夜之前媲美CM Punk,那么你们就应该在摔角方面让他亮起来。在刚过去那个周末的Smackdown house show里(HammondToledo),他们甚至把WHC的头衔赛放到了中段休息之前而不是最后的主战赛位置,完全就是摆出一副“我们已经完全放弃这个现任WHC”的样子。你们不在乎,观众怎么会在乎!跟heel Del Rio的状况类似,一开始,大家都满怀信心,制定了各种长远计划,但实施过程中在短期计划上各种短板,尤其当事情不像他们想象中发展的时候。各种埋怨,各种怀疑,各种随便,各种不当一回事,各种懒散就来了。作为ADR粉,我很心痛。如果heel Del Rio最终没有成功,我忍了,毕竟这是Alberto Rodriguez第一次当这样的反派,但正派是他最后闪耀的机会啊,如果在WWE的babyface之路不成,那将非常严重,将对他的生涯造成严重打击。而这一切,都因为某些人太注重眼前利益,太注重观众的所谓反应而缺乏信心,缺乏要以主观能动性带动起观众的决心。

xrspook不要Del Rio成为第二个John Cena或Sheamus,Del Rio也不会成为下一个Rey Mysterio,下一个孩子王,Del Rio就是Del Rio,WWE喜欢原创,希望在他们的摔角手身上打下“MADE IN WWE”的烙印,但这光靠一张嘴,光靠美好的蓝图没用,必须用实际行动干起来。

WWE Smackdown 2013-03-15上Alberto Del Rio的露面时间不超过5分钟,而且还只是在事先录制好的视频里亮亮相,这一周SD的收视很惨淡,只有1.82,在当晚的电视节目里排名第七,是自2013-01-04以来最低的收视。你知道么,Alberto Del Rio是WWE Smackdown 2013-01-11上开始成为WHC的,而上周是他这么多期以来露面最少的。难道你们要无视这种联系?Smackdown和Raw不同,Smackdown有广泛的拉丁裔观众基础,你们不能糟蹋latino们!

WWE Raw 2013-03-18上出现了转机,Alberto Del Rio的出场音乐Realeza用了remix的新版本,没有了华丽,多了拉丁音乐常有的轻快和喜庆。而且,终于利用Ricardo Rodriguez建立了一个Alberto Del Rio必须为了RR和Jack Swagger没完的剧情。难道他们听到了我的心声?!但另外一个让人意想不到很尴尬的事情发生了,在Alberto Del Rio vs. Cody Rhodes的比赛里,以及赛后Jack Swagger攻击Del Rio和Ricardo的时候观众喊起了“USA USA USA”,我没办法安慰自己说这是一个好现象,因为这种chant不会是在支持他们本该支持的Del Rio,Swagger是heel啊!所以,估计今晚以后,WWE的高层和剧情组成员们又会头大了。

不胜而胜,不败而败…… 泪奔~~~

Is Rey Mysterio’s WWE Future In Doubt?

Posted by Jeremy Thomas on 03.18.2013

Rey Mysterio’s WWE future is reportedly in question. As previously reported, Mysterio suffered another knee injury recently, though it will not require surgery due to a brace and he has said he’s “on a mission” to rehab it. Due to Mysterio’s physical deteroration and the two strikes against him from WWE’s Wellness Policy, his regular days with the company are believed to be behind him and there is debate within the company on whether they should take a chance and try to get the most ouf ot him.

Currently WWE is trying to get other Latin American stars to the next level, namely Alberto Del Rio and Sin Cara. However, Cara has had problems acheiving any success in the company due to his language barrier and his botches in the ring while Del Rio’s babyface run hasn’t hit the level WWE has hoped, particularly since he’s feuding with an out-and-out heel in Jack Swagger. Because Mysterio gives the company a massive merchandise benefit and can still deliver when he’s healthy, WWE is giving him some time to get healthy for another run.


WWE Smackdown Rating Falls

Posted by Jeremy Thomas on 03.18.2013

Friday’s episode of WWE Smackdown did a 1.82 rating with 2.39 million viewers. Those numbers are down 13% and 16% respectively from the preview week; the rating was the lowest since January 4th and the viewership was the lowest since October.

The show ranked #7 among cable TV shows for the night in overall viewers, #7 among males 18 - 34 and #5 among males 18 - 49. The adult male ratings were the lowest of the year against the Big East college basketball tournament.
