WWE Live Event Results From Amarillo (5/12): Randy Orton Vs. Big Show, Dibiase Defeats NXT Star

By Raj Giri | May 13, 2013

Thanks to WrestlingINC.com reader Casper for sending in these results from yesterday’s WWE live event in Amarillo, TX:

After reading the Odessa house results, Amarillo’s show was a copy of that show with little differences, like a t-shirt instead of a flag with Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger, results are below.

It was announced that the Alberto Del Rio/Jack Swagger match would be either 2 Out Of 3 Falls or a Street Fight, and told us how to vote.

Alberto Del Rio defeated Jack Swagger in a street fight. Swagger came out with a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag over his shoulders to some very real heat. This area has a pretty substantial Latino population, so it was definitely not a surprise that it was pro-Del Rio. Swagger cut a promo before giving the mic to Colter, who referred to Odessa as Oklahoma, then Lubbock in order to draw heat. He also asked how many “undocumented workers” were in the building, and got a pretty decent cheer in return. Ricardo was introduced to a strong pop, and introduced Del Rio to an even bigger pop.

After both were in the ring, they announced that it would be a street fight. Del Rio grabbed the t-shirt that Swagger had hung over the ropes and teased throwing it into the crowd. When Swagger came after the t-shirt, Del Rio played bullfighter with him, causing Swagger to miss it a few times, before finally throwing it into the crowd. After about 15 minutes of back and forth, AJ distracted the ref and Big E showed up. ADR took a Big Ending, but kicked out of Swagger’s pin attempt. Then Swagger went through a table! Shortly after, a cross arm breaker was applied and Swagger tapped.

http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2013/0513/562655/wwe-live-event-results/?utm _source=feedburner &utm;_medium=feed&utm; campaign=Feed%3A+wrestlinginc news+%28WrestlingInc.com+Pro+Wrestling+News%29

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