WWE Smackdown 2013-07-12 剧透集合
SPOILERS WWE SmackDown Results For This Friday
By Marc Middleton | July 09, 2013
Thanks to Sherrod Jones for the following WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight’s tapings at the Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, Virginia:
Backstage segment where Teddy Long gives Dolph Ziggler the night off. Ziggler tells Teddy he’s looking at the next World Heavyweight Champion.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara is up next. The match never starts because Dolph Ziggler, dressed as Sin Cara, attacks Del Rio and beats him up.
Backstage segment with Teddy Long stopping Dolph Ziggler. It sounds like Sin Cara appears and is wearing his wrestling gear, making it look like he was actually the one who attacked Del Rio.
更多地图事件请移步:MAP OF DESTINY 2013
文章作者 xrspook
上次更新 2013-07-10