总算,弟弟Memo算是有了个继续摔角梦的地方,我们还能称呼他为Memo,但他将不再是Memo Montenegro了。希望他能有更辉煌美好的未来!在WWL,Memo的擂台名为El Hijo de Dos Caras.

同样被WWL签下的还有Alberto和Memo的表哥Sicodelico Jr.。

脑补WWL(节选自WWL的WIKI):WWL是2012年才成立的新联盟,总部在波多黎各圣胡安。他们从一开始就广纳国际人才,主要在美洲地区巡演。和WWE的完全合同制不同,WWL欢迎各联盟选手的客串交流,他们有名合作伙伴包括:日本的Zero 1,墨西哥的AAA,美国的TNA和NWA等等。

Trailer For WWE’s Madison Square Garden DVD, Post-WWE Update On Del Rio’s Brother, More

By Marc Middleton | August 09, 2013

As noted before, WWE recently released Alberto Del Rio’s brother Memo Montenegro from his developmental contract. Memo, real name Guillermo Rodriguez, will be working for the WWL promotion under the name El Hijo del Dos Caras. He’s also signed with his cousin, El Sicodelico Jr., who was also signed to WWE developmental at one point.
