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在Alberto Del Rio的墨西哥宣传期间他做了一个Lucha Libre Show Tercera Caida的采访,这个节目在TVC Deportes播放,以下是这个采访的主要内容。


被WWE签下,在FCW期间,他一度非常沮丧,曾经有想过回墨西哥(CMLL),但有人跟Vince McMahon说不能放走这个人,因为他非常有可能成为一个非常厉害的超级巨星。







他说他的熊猫眼是在SummerSlam前Portland, OR house show一场和Daniel Bryan比赛时弄伤的,那是SummerSlam前好几晚的事,而不是像传闻所说他在酒吧斗殴。(xrspook:扯淡也得有个限度啊亲!SummerSlam Press Conference和SummerSlam Axxess上都完美无缺帅呆了,而那都是在SummerSlam前一个house show后的事,你这是糊弄谁呢?!)

他觉得Sin Cara太容易受伤了。Sin Cara潜力巨大,但同时也是个玻璃人。他说他不了解Sin Cara现在的具体情况。

Rey Mysterio的受伤让他很伤心,所以他就去跟老麦说拉丁人们在乎的不是他当正派还是反派,而是拉丁人们只是希望他们的英雄能打败外国佬。

他非常不喜欢呆在FCW,那是他最讨厌的地方之一,但他承认FCW的锻炼对他很有好处,因为正是在那里他学会了WWE的风格。他还弱弱地讽刺说没在FCW磨练过的人(Sin Cara),始终会差那么一点,没什么进步。


他希望以冠军身份进入到WrestleMania 30。


Vince McMahon很喜欢他,他也是老麦最喜欢的反派。(xrspook:吹吧你,吹吧你,如果加个“墨西哥的”定语这倒是真的,但如果是定语是“现役的”,你这纯粹是扯淡!)


WrestleMania 28那一年,在受伤了,本来,他是要在WM28上对阵Randy Orton的。(xrspook:我觉得扯淡和真实各占50%)

在WrestleMania 29上成功捍卫住他的WHC对他来说意义重大。他说他和Jack Swagger的不合和比赛都很好。

他讨厌推特,虽然他偶尔会在上面说两句。他说WWE强迫他必须开推特,并且说Sheamus“背叛”他。因为当时他们是仅有的2个没有开推特的超级巨星,他们也有过互相的承诺说永不开推特。但是Sheamus却食言开推特了,于是Stephanie McMahon逼着他也要开一个。(xrspook:ADR有多讨厌老麦的女儿呢?)

他说老麦表扬了他和Christian在SummerSlam上的比赛,老麦说他俩惊艳全场。(xrspook:扯淡,又见扯淡!你们这场是很好,但并不能说是SummerSlam 2013上的最好!)他觉得Christian一直被低估,他是WWE里非常出类拔萃的摔角手,他也是Del Rio最喜欢与其合作的摔角手之一。

他说Triple H给了他5个WWE可以签下的拉丁摔角手的推荐名额。

Rey Mysterio本来计划在SummerSlam上回归,但他选择了在墨西哥巡演时才回归。

他说Ricardo Rodriguez潜力无限,几个月前WWE就想让他俩分道扬镳,但他不想那样,因为他们私底下是好朋友。

他说Rob Van Dam是一个非常好的摔角手,不过,他对RVD了解不多,但他确信WWE重新签下RVD是件好事。

Del Rio的表哥(Sicodelico Jr.)说他不知道为什么会被WWE解雇(他2009年在WWE发展联盟工作)。他尊重Del Rio的决定(脱掉面具的决定),如果让他选择,他也会那么做。他说Del Rio现在已经成为世界级的超级巨星了。

Del Rio说是他拍板让WWE解雇自己弟弟(Memo Montenegro)的。因为自从公司把FCW变成NXT一切都变了,FCW/NXT再也不是一个适合他弟弟学习摔角的地方,因为他弟弟几乎没有职业摔角经验。(xrspook:这一点真的是好事,看看现在的NXT,几乎都是ROH的人一统天下,他们要身材有身材,要口才有口才,要技术有技术,要什么有什么,最重要的是他们已经在美国打拼好些年,摔迷们对他们耳熟能详。相比之下Memo是各种羞涩不到位。与其当他们的陪练,与其当凤尾,不如回墨西哥或者去日本从低做起,做个鸡头感觉会好一点。而且,ADR现在在WWE有如此的高度,弟弟和他比起来很多地方有非常多的不足,即便推出大舞台,招来的失败也会让Memo承受非常大的打击,so…)





Alberto Del Rio Talks Vince’s Favorite Heel, His Black Eye, Sin Cara Always Injured, Hating FCW

By Raj Giri | September 10, 2013

During his promotional tour of Mexico, Alberto Del Rio was interviewed by the Lucha Libre show, Tercera Caida, which airs on TVC Deportes. Here are some highlights of what he said:

For him, the World Heavyweight Championship is the most important title in the WWE because it’s the first title that he chased. He admitted that WWE gives more attention to the WWE Championship.

He was frustrated by not being used by WWE while in FCW and was about to go back to Mexico (CMLL), but someone told Vince McMahon to not let him go because they would be losing someone who could be huge.

He prefers being a heel to a face.

He thinks that the American audience does not like him because they don’t like a Mexican being successful in an American company.

He bashed AAA and said that his salary was a joke, which is why he left.

He never thought to come to WWE, but said that he used to watch it when he was younger and he would be lying if he didn’t dream of joining the company. He he never thought WWE would be interested in him and he was thankful that they are.

He also talked about the “smart mark” crowd the night after Wrestlemania. He expects those type of fans at Wrestlemania and the night after, and said that they really only like heels.

He made American fans hate him again at Payback.

He said that he got his black eye during a match with Daniel Bryan at a live event in Portland, OR, a couple of nights before SummerSlam. He tried to shoot shot down the rumors that he got in a fight at a bar.

He thinks Sin Cara gets injured simply by talking. He said that Sin Cara has great potential, but he is very injury prone. He said that he doesn’t know what the situation with Sin Cara right now.

It saddens him that Rey Mysterio is injured, which is why he told Vince that the Latinos don’t care if you’re a face or a heel, all that they care is that a Latino is beating the “gringo.”

He never liked being in FCW and said that it was one of the placed he hated the most. He admitted that his FCW run was for the best because he learned how to wrestle the WWE style. He kind of took a shot at Sin Cara when he said that people that don’t go to FCW are where they are.

He really enjoyed doing the running over Santa Claus angle, however said that his son was worried that they would be no Christmas.

He wants to get to Wrestlemania 30 as champion.

He thinks that he is a future Hall of Famer.

Vince McMahon is a big fan of him and he is Vince’s favorite heel.

The Undertaker is the “Godfather” in the WWE and said he would like to face him.


More From Del Rio: Why Mysterio Hasn’t Returned, Sheamus’ Betrayal, RVD, HHH, Brother’s Release

By Raj Giri | September 10, 2013

As noted earlier, Alberto Del Rio was interviewed by Tercera Caida, which airs on TVC Deportes. Here are some more highlights from the interview:

At Wrestlemania 28, the year he was injured, he was originally supposed to face Randy Orton.

It was a great moment for him to successfully defend his World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 29. He said that he and Jack Swagger had a good rivalry and match at the event.

He hates Twitter, even though he’s actively on it. He said WWE forced him to get a Twitter. He said that Sheamus “betrayed” him because there were the only 2 superstars who did not have a Twitter account, and they made an agreement to never get a Twitter. However, when Sheamus opened a Twitter account, Stephanie McMahon forced him to open one.

He said Vince McMahon praised his match with Christian at Summerslam and said that Vince said they stole the show. He also said Christian is really underrated and a better wrestler than many in the company, and he is one of his favorite wrestlers to work with.

He said Triple H told him to give him a list of 5 Latino wrestlers he thinks can do well in the company so WWE can sign them.

Rey Mysterio was supposed to return the night after Summerslam, but he chose to return in Mexico.

He also said that Ricardo Rodriguez has great potential and that WWE wanted to split them months before they did, but he did not want to because they are good friends outside WWE.

He said that Rob Van Dam is a great opponent, but he doesn’t know him that well. He admitted that RVD’s signing was good for WWE.

Del Rio’s cousin (Sicodelico, Jr.) said that he doesn’t know why he was released (while in WWE developmental in 2009). He respects Del Rio’s decision (to take his mask off) and said he would have done the same thing. He also said that Del Rio is a big star worldwide.

Del Rio said that the decision for his brother (Memo Montenegro) to be released was made by him (Del Rio) and the company around the time they were changing FCW to NXT, and said FCW/NXT is not the place to learn how to wrestle since his brother did not have very much wrestling experience.
