Drew在这个采访里说他为什么会和Berto成为好朋友说得很隐晦,基本算是那种说了跟没说一样。不过,这是我第一次看到Drew McIntyre在他的采访里谈到Alberto Del Rio(因为Drew近2年的采访真的很少……或者说,被报道出来的很少……),而Alberto Del Rio已经无数遍在他的采访里提到他在WWE最好的朋友毋庸置疑就是Drew McIntyre,木有之一!

还记得2010年的时候Drew是IC,但2011年他基本没有怎么在Raw和Smackdown露面,他基本都是Superstars里出现的,但当他再次出现的时候,我觉得他的摔角真的进步了,不知道为什么,反正比2010年和Matt Hardy及Kofi Kingston争IC的时候好很多。当时我非常搞不懂,这孩子特训神马去了呢?而且我觉得为什么他会有点Alberto Del Rio的风格???后来我终于明白了,因为这两人居然是好朋友。一个苏格兰人,一个墨西哥人,除了对米国人来说他们都是外国人,想不通他俩有啥可以扯到一起,而且还扯得那么亲密。不过,世界上的事就是这么神奇,没必要都刨根问底知道为什么。不过可以肯定他们都是老麦(曾经?)“很喜欢”的少年,必须记得Drew McIntyre从前的nickname是“THE CHOSEN ONE”啊!而Alberto Del Rio近3年来的被捧我也就更加不用多说了。

WWE: 3MB’s Drew McIntyre on music, titles and Alberto Del Rio

Last Updated: September 10, 2013 2:48pm

The former Intercontinental Champion discussed the current boom within tag-team wrestling, his friendship with Alberto Del Rio and whom he classes as his footballing hero…

skysports.com: You are good friends with Alberto Del Rio. How did that relationship blossom?

DM: You can probably imagine how a Scot and a Mexican became such good mates! We are very similar personality-wise, we both love wrestling - he grew up in a wrestling family and I’ve always wanted to be a wrestler - and we are both very passionate about what we do and very driven.

skysports.com: How has Rob Van Dam settled back into the WWE locker room, and do you think he will beat Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Title at Night of Champions?

DM: RVD is the most chilled man on planet Earth - if he was any more relaxed he’d be asleep - and he is a really nice guy, too. It’s awesome to have him back because I was a huge fan of his as a kid when he was in ECW. Some of the things he can do I couldn’t even dream of doing, but Alberto has both a wrestling and MMA background and has some dirty tricks up his sleeve, so I think he will keep his title.
