如果Alberto Del Rio和Ricardo Rodriguez真的就这么复合了,我会骂街的!!!!!尼玛的个把月前的决裂是那么的撕心裂肺,结果就只是为了让RR跟随RVD一阵子?这不是坑爹是什么!ADR VS. RVD这个对阵本来就几乎没有存在感,外加RR这个莫名其妙转反+转正,我要砸桌子的啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。

要Ricardo在WWE成为真正的摔角手、真的要有所作为,他就必须和Del Rio分开。BEST FOR RR!!!!!!

10.随着Rob Van Dam因为合同原因在下周被写出电视,他现在的经纪人Ricardo Rodriguez的剧情也被进行了讨论——背叛这位前ECW著名选手,再次和Alberto Del Rio合作。


NoDQ.com WWE Future Plans for RVD & Ricardo Rodriguez

Posted by Steve Carrier on 10/02/2013 at 08:33 PM

With Rob Van Dam expected to be written off television within the next week or so due to a contract matter, an angle has been discussed where his current manager, Ricardo Rodriguez, turns on the former ECW standout to partner up with Alberto Del Rio once again.
