
  • Alberto Del Rio扇了WWE工作人员一巴掌而被迅速解雇原因之一可能是之前Big Show曾经也对WWE的一个制作员实施粗暴,而那人正在起诉WWE,所以当类似的Del Rio事件再次发生时,WWE为了名节保身就立马斩草除根了。(xrspook:若要人不知,除非己莫为!公司内部就是存在这等不和谐,解雇掉一个顶级就能杀鸡儆猴?!)
  • 波多黎各摔角联盟WWC的电视片段里暗示,El Patrón或将近期登录!!!

[新闻] 8月23日新闻–Roman Reigns何时赢得冠军

19.此前报道过前WWE巡演制作人Andrew Green起诉Big Show和WWE,声称Show在一个后台片段录制中粗暴的对待了他。

WWE官方认为另一个类似事件——Alberto Del Rio和WWE.com社交媒体员工Cody Barbierri——可能会加重the Big Show的案件,也存在着潜在的Barbierri起诉WWE的可能性。据报道这是导致Del Rio离开的另一个因素。


How A WWE Lawsuit Played Into Del Rio’s Departure, Bikini Competitor Cuts Promo On WWE Divas (Video)

By Marc Middleton | August 22, 2014

We’ve noted in the past how there is a lawsuit out against Big Show and WWE from former WWE road producer Andrew Green, who alleges that Show roughed him up during the filming of a backstage segment.

WWE officials felt that having another incident like that, with Alberto Del Rio and WWE.com social media worker Cody Barbierri, would strengthen the Big Show case and would also strengthen a potential case by Barbierri against WWE. This was reportedly another factor in Del Rio’s departure.



By Jose Perez on 2014-08-24 13:03:58

At the end of today’s WWC’s TV show in Puerto Rico, there was a quick segment where ‘El Magnate’ Juan Manuel Ortega is on the phone with someone reminding him how much fun they had back at WrestleMania 30 weekend “drinking champagne.”

He then refers to the person he’s speaking to as “El Patrón” (the name Alberto Del Rio is now using in AAA in Mexico and said that Patron told him to call him if he ever needed anything. Ortega then said he needs him to take care of someone here in Puerto Rico and will pick him up at the airport when he arrives. He closes the phone call again by saying, “Thank you very much ‘Patrón’. Looking forward to seeing you this week.”

So it appears that the ‘El Patrón’ (Alberto Del Río) will be arriving soon in WWC. More details in my next ‘Isle of Puerto Rico’ column.
