
  • WWE的高管老是喜欢开种族歧视的玩笑(针对非洲裔和拉美人),因为上梁不正下梁歪才导致了连Cody Barbierri这种小喽罗也敢随便开那种玩笑。高管对他开玩笑,他就只能忍着,但Cody Barbierri,他不能忍。
  • 虽然Alberto Del Rio并没有明确指出某个经常开种族歧视玩笑的高管到底是谁,we already know that(Triple H是也)。
  • Alberto Del Rio大爆WWE的薪水秘密:Sin Cara一代(也就是从前CMLL的Místico,现在AAA的Myzteziz)在墨西哥(AAA)每场比赛能赚5000美刀,他一周进行3-4场表演。但在WWE,新进炸子鸡们一场比赛只能赚500美刀。Alberto Del Rio说某个也有个兄弟在WWE里工作的超级巨星(能有这么多出场机会,这人是Dolph Ziggler?但DZ的兄弟已经不在WWE工作了吧),参加一场Superstars的摔角,一场Raw里长时间的摔角,在Raw里做个promo,最后还要在dark match里表演,加起来才得到500美刀而已。在墨西哥4天的巡演里,摔角手们仅有2000美刀的收入。面对这种很一般的待遇,年轻的摔角手们不高兴,但也不敢说。
  • WWE很限制摔角手,他们只允许他们用WWE的“方式”去表演,但这无可口非,Alberto Del Rio现在可以自由地融合美摔、墨摔、日摔、欧摔去尽情发挥了。
  • 2015年Alberto Del Rio的爸爸Dos Caras将有盛大的退役巡演,届时Alberto Del Rio,他的弟弟Guillermo Rodriguez,他的大伯Mil Mascaras以及一些日本的摔角手都会参与,Rey Mysterio也想参加。

Alberto Del Rio Says WWE Higher-Ups Were Making Racist Jokes, Talks WWE Release, Low WWE Pay

By Marc Middleton | October 30, 2014

Former WWE Superstar Alberto Del Rio did an interview with Fighting Spirit Magazine that comes out this week and talked about his departure from the company.

Del Rio said there were constant racist jokes in WWE while he was there and he never liked them but never said anything because usually the jokes were made by important people. Del Rio said the jokes were made about Latin and African-Americans. Del Rio said if a “nobody” such as Cody Barbierri made a joke then he would say something but if someone important made a racist joke, he wouldn’t say anything to them.

Regarding the incident with Barbierri, Del Rio said at first he was told he was going to be suspended but when officials realized there was a lawsuit against them from when Big Show allegedly slapped a backstage worker doing a vignette, they were afraid Barbierri would sue. Del Rio said he was told, “We need to let you go until things cool down.” Del Rio was given the impression that he would be back in a few months but he told them that if he wasn’t hired back by the time he hung up the phone, he wasn’t coming back and noted that he had already made up his mind about leaving when his contract expired.

Del Rio did not name who made the phone call to him but said it was someone higher-up who always made racial jokes. Del Rio said because this person does it, others think it’s okay to do.

Del Rio claimed the former Sin Cara is making $5,000 per match in Mexico and is doing two to three matches per week. He also claimed the new hot talents in WWE are making $500 per match. Del Rio claimed one WWE Superstar, who was not named but also has a brother in the company, told him that he worked a Superstars match, a long RAW match, a promo on RAW and then a dark match at the end of the show and got just $500 for it. He also mentioned wrestlers getting paid $2,000 for a four-show tour of Mexico. He said the young WWE talents are not unhappy about things but not completely happy either, but have no other choice.

Del Rio also said WWE only wants you to do their style in the ring and they keep you in a box to where you can’t think outside of the box. He doesn’t blame WWE for that because it works for them but now he’s going to mix American, European, Japanese and Mexican styles.

Del Rio mentioned that his father Dos Caras will have a big retirement event in 2015 with Del Rio, his brother Guillermo Rodriguez, Mil Mascaras and stars from Japan. He added that Rey Mysterio wants to attend.
