xrspook:无数人曾经吐槽WWE的Alberto Del Rio怎么如此无聊,为什么promo总是那么的糟糕,事实再一次证明,Alberto Rodríguez总能超乎你想象!放下你们的偏见,好好地被感动一回吧!

Lucha Underground 2015-02-11 Alberto El Patrón debut采访



在这美妙的时刻,我终于自在地和我的朋友们在一起,相聚在这里,相聚在Lucha Underground。


对,这正是我将要说的 - LUCHA LUCHA。因为,你们都知道我来自墨西哥摔角世家。我的大伯们Mil Mascaras,El Sicodelico是摔角传奇!我的爸爸,我的引导者是伟大的摔角手Dos Caras!朋友们,他们教育我,他们教会我关于摔角的所有。他们也教会我很多很多其它东西,比如说爱,尊重,以及激情。[西语翻译:就像我们拉丁美洲人所说的,这是家庭的力量]当然了,我也时刻都深爱着‘Dos Caras Jr.’这个名字。 但有个地方我必须去,有个地方我必须征服——美国。

正是这里,朋友们,就是这个地方。曾经我在这里成为了我同胞们的偶像明星,成为了佼佼者!(xrspook:原文这里用的是“my raza”)[全场高呼lucha]但是,你们也知道后来发生了什么。[西语翻译:他们拥抱我…… 但当我转过身时,他们从背后捅我刀子。]他们不尊重我,不尊重我的家人,也不尊重我的人民。于是,我离开了那个地方来到了这里。

去年12月,我成为了北美第一个持有过所有最重要冠军头衔的摔角手(CMLL的WHC,WWE的WHC和WWEC,AAA的WHC)。现在,你们一定很想知道我为什么要来这里,来Underground。朋友们,告诉你们,我来这里是因为我想在一个完全公平的地方工作。一个别人只会因为你的工作能力不强看不起你,而不会因为你的肤色区别对待你的地方。你懂的,Alberto El Patrón从不让你们失望!

[全场高呼El Patrón]

今晚,翻天覆地的变革来了,带来变革的人就是——Alberto El Patrón。

[Texano Jr.乱入并袭击Alberto]

Alberto el Patron debut interview from Lucha Underground, 2015-02-11

“I knew it - I knew it baby, there’s only friends here tonight.

And just because of that, I’m going to get rid of all of this. [removes suit jacket] I don’t have to impress anyone, because all of you are my family, mis amigos. [removes tie]

And this is the best part, I’m finally here with all my friends, here in Lucha Underground.

[lucha chant]

Exactly, that’s what I’m talking about - LUCHA, LUCHA. Because, as you all know, I come from a lucha libre family. My legendary uncle, Mil Mascaras! El Sicodelico! And my father, my inspiration, the great luchador Dos Caras! And amigos, they taught me, they taught me everything I know about this business. They taught me everything, the love, the respect, the passion. [in spanish: translated - like we Latinos say, it’s all about family] And of course, I loved the name, ‘Dos Caras Jr.’, every single day. But there was a place where I needed to go, a place that I needed to conquer - United States.

And it was here, it was here amigos, where I became an idol, an icon for my people, my raza! [lucha chant] But then, you all know what happened. [in Spanish - translated: Back there they embraced me…but when I turned around, they stabbed me in the back.] They disrespected me, my family, and what I represent. And that’s why I’m here, that’s what I left.

Last year in December, I became the first luchador ever to hold every single major title in North America. And now you want to know why, why I’m here, Underground, I’m going to tell you why amigos. I’m here because I wanted to work a place where the word EQUAL means something. A place where they don’t hold you back by the color of your skin! A place where they only hold if you back if you don’t get the job - and baby, Alberto el Patron always get the job done!

[el patron chant]

So tonight, the revolution brings. And the revolution is - Alberto el Patron.

[Texano runs in and attacks Alberto]
