
  • Lucha Underground有些人签长期合同但只是按次获得报酬,El Patrón却能稳稳地每年得到$500,000,这很正常,在摔角界哪里都这样。El Patrón在LU的表现地球人有目共睹,谁也不能说他只是个贵价花瓶。
  • El Patrón在今年3月到底有没有拉伤他的四头肌至今我不完全确定,但可以肯定的是作为一个“运动员”,他不会因为某次事故而再也不做某项训练,如果他觉得那是必不可少的。有人喜欢把训练定义为一天到晚都窝在健身房举铁或者在跑步机/动感单车上完成理性公事。如果摔角手觉得他自己的训练组合能满足他的要求,你管他练什么/怎么练/训练频率。当他的身材和竞技状态真的掉渣到不堪入目的时候再吐槽这个吧。以我自己为例,从前工作日每个早上我都会拿20分钟做徒手的深蹲剪蹲单脚跳之类,现在我完全不做了,这又怎么着???
  • 我觉得El Patrón的确收到过不少MMA联盟的offer,至于有没有UFC,他其实极少在问答里明确地表示过“SI”,几乎每次都是含糊其辞,用复数带过MMA联盟们,至于里面有没有UFC,你猜?所以没必要字斟句酌地挑明这少年在夸夸其词UFC有给他offer。

Backstage Notes On Alberto El Patron, Update On Terry Funk’s Health, Cage Of Death On Pay-Per-View?

By Marc Middleton | June 04, 2015

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter notes that while most of the Lucha Underground talents are working under long-term contracts with fairly low per-match deals, Alberto El Patron (Alberto Del Rio) has a guarantee of $500,000 per year. Since suffering a partially torn quad back in March, Alberto has not done any MMA training besides the usual boxing routines he does as a part of his regular fitness training, so it appears a MMA or kickboxing match won’t be happening. Alberto did receive offers from some shoot promotions and while he says he received a serious offer from UFC, people in UFC say otherwise.
