Summary 7

Betty tells Armando that she agrees to fake the numbers once again on the report for the September board meeting and asks if she can leave for lunch. After she leaves, Mario comments that it’s a good thing Armando makes Betty happy because that way everyone can be happy. Armando just rolls his eyes in response.

As Mariana and Sandra listen on in the background, Patricia talks to her dad over the phone about her many financial problems … none of her friends and he won’t even help her. And she doesn’t want to resort to turning the car in or pawning her jewelry. Patricia finally hangs up saying that she doesn’t want to discuss these problems in public.

Betty comes out ready to go to lunch but there’s a slight problem … Bertha is nowhere to be found. Someone mentions that she went into the bathroom for a touchup and Sandra offers to go get her. In the meantime, El Cuartel discusses how Bertha’s auto-suggestion diet has really not helped her at all - instead of losing weight, she’s gaining it. Betty pipes in that she’s psychologically fat. :o) In the bathroom, Bertha is once again hiding in the stall eating bags of chips … Sandra comes in and tells her to hurry up, they’re hungry. Bertha tells her she’ll be right there and, when the coast is clear, comes out of the stall and hides her chips away underneath the bathroom sinks.

When El Cuartel is finally ready to leave for lunch, Patricia nastily reminds them not to be late because this afternoon there will be a meeting. Sandra retorts that she shouldn’t get involved in their business and suggests that she go to lunch instead. The Cuartel members join in and say that Patricia doesn’t have money for lunch, she doesn’t even have money for gas … and they laugh.

As Patricia’s mouth hangs open, Sofía adds that Patricia is going to have to try out Bertha’s auto-suggestion diet: she’s going to have to make herself believe that she has a boyfriend, that she has money and that she eats everyday. :o) As the elevator door finally closes on El Cuartel, Patricia is finally able to speak: “Don’t run away, you herd of poor people!” Too late, there is no one to hear her. :o)

Outside Eco Moda’s front door, Jenny talks to her pupuchurro on her cell phone. In her usual whiny voice, she tells him not to come pick her up for lunch because she’s depressed and she will have lunch on her own, she wants to think and doesn’t want anyone to bother her.

Up rides Freddy and asks her how she’s doing and Jenny tells him she’s not doing well at all. Freddy then invites her to lunch and suggests that that might help her depression. Jenny promptly accepts and even turns off her cell phone so that Efraín won’t be able to reach her. El Cuartel comes out just as Freddy and Jenny leave on his bike and Sofía remarks on Jenny’s shameless behavior. Sandra suggest that she call Efraín and tell him what’s going on but Sofía responds that she won’t do that, she can’t wait until he finds out on his own and falls from his high horse. Aura María says that it’s too risky … what if Jenny ends up taking away “our” Freddy? El Cuartel remarks that Aura María must be jealous … have they made up? Aura María answers that they haven’t and Sandra suggests that at El Corrientazo they can probably think of something to split up Jenny and Freddy. Sofía once again says that she won’t cooperate with any ideas.

As El Cuartel gets ready to leave for lunch, Bertha tells Mariana that she must tell them what Marcela told her. Mariana at first refuses and Bertha moves for a vote that none of them ever talk to Mariana again, ask her to lunch or accompany her home in the evenings.

As everyone except Inesita agrees to cast Mariana out, Mariana buckles under the pressure and tells them Doña Marcela asked her if Don Armando had received any calls on his cell phone while at Betty’s house, why he stayed at Betty’s after they left and where he went after he left Betty’s house.

Bertha turns to Betty and asks her if she knows anything. Betty becomes very uncomfortable but tells them she doesn’t know anything … Don Armando left her house right after El Cuartel did and she doesn’t know where he went. Mariana tells them that at any rate Doña Marcela is furious because she knows that Don Armando has a lover and she won’t stop until she finds out who she is. Betty looks shell shocked.

Back at Eco Moda, Marcela tells Patricia that no one has seen Armando with a woman and asks her to try to pick up all of Armando’s calls. As Mario exits the elevator and says hello in passing, Patricia whispers to Marcela that she can’t answer Armando’s phones because he hasn’t even left for lunch. Also, she adds, that he and Mario have been hunkered down in Presidencia all morning. Marcela tells her that they are probably working on covering their tracks, but she already knows for sure that Armando has a lover so they’re probably planning their strategy.

Mario comes in to Armando’s office with a giant card for Betty … thanking her for a wonderful night of love. Armando opens the card and is flabbergasted to read its contents - it says that he wants to spend another night with Betty.

Armando tells Mario that he can’t keep doing this to Betty, but Mario answers that he can’t tell her that he doesn’t want to do it again because once you make love you have to do it again, otherwise it would look like a one-night stand and the affair would end. As a matter of fact, all of the little ‘detalles’ - the candy bars, the cards - won’t work anymore, now he’s got to start seeing Betty every night … and every time he sees her they’ve got to make love.

Armando takes his glasses off and rubs the bridge of his nose and tells Calderón that he’s lost his mind. Mario reminds him that his relationship with Betty is one between two adults and … that there is an upcoming board meeting, the most important board meeting in Eco Moda’s history, to which his parents and Daniel Valencia will be coming and the only person that can save them is Betty “a/k/a su amante”.

Betty and El Cuartel return from lunch … Aura María goes off with Inesita to Hugo’s taller to see if Freddy is there with Jenny. Bertha says she’s got to go to the bathroom again … Patricia looks on suspiciously. In the bathroom, Bertha takes out the bags of chips, goes into the stall again and begins to eat.

When Betty walks into Armando’s office, she finds him and Mario going over some paperwork and asks Armando if he would like her to order him some lunch. Armando tells her he’s not hungry and asks her to please get ready for the meeting, it’s about to start. As Betty goes into her office, Mario wishes Armando good luck and leaves. Armando just rolls his eyes again. :o)

Betty finds the giant card on her desk. It says, “I’ve spent a lot of nights with a lot of bodies … only one night with a woman, only one night with love. Being with you was the confirmation my body needed. Now we are united in only one dimension, skin and feeling. Now I must wait for this wonderful fusion to happen again. I’m anxiously waiting for the night that we can love each other again.” Betty smiles, closes the card and says, “tan divino, tan divinooooooo …”.

Hugo nastily tells El Cheque that Jenny has not returned from lunch yet and that he doesn’t want him calling Jenny on his phone anymore, Jenny has a cell phone and that’s where he should call … Hugo hangs up on him and calls it an accident. :o)

Aura María and Inesita walk in and Hugo reprimands Inesita on her tardiness and asks if she knows where Jenny is. Inesita tells him that she doesn’t know and that he should calm down, but Hugo says he can’t because El Cheque has been calling over and over looking for Jenny. He doesn’t mind taking calls from men, but not men as horrible as El Cheque. :o) Hugo starts to mousse his hair and asks what Aura María is doing in the taller and Aura María takes the hint and leaves.

The reason Jenny and Freddy are missing is because they are having lunch … Jenny goes on and on about her depression that presses down on her chest (and she lifts her chest up with her hands). Freddy’s eyes are drawn to that part of her anatomy, of course, and tells Jenny that he would like to take that depression away from her. Jenny asks him not to play with her, she’s very susceptible. Freddy tells her that he wants to spoil her and Jenny answers that she would love a hug right now. Freddy obliges and, as he’s hugging her, asks if she’s feeling better … Jenny leans up and kisses him on the mouth and, as Freddy starts to get into it, Jenny pushes him away whining, “Ay, Freddy …”, intimating that he was the one that started the kiss.

Freddy is taken aback and asks her why the party is over so soon and Jenny shows him the time, that they are running really late. Freddy tells her that they had better leave the kisses for another time, and Jenny responds that she is making a mistake, there will be no more kisses, if she continues she will commit a crazy act. Freddy, tongue-in-cheek asks, “But the crazy act will be with me, right?” And of course Jenny answers that it will be and turns away. Freddy prays that Jenny’s depression lasts a while longer. Aaaaayyyy …

On the second floor of Eco Moda, Aura María is still worried about Freddy and talking to Sandra and Mariana about it. Patricia walks over and asks her if she’s waiting for Mario Calderón. Aura María says that she’s not like Patricia, she doesn’t live on the hope that Mario might look at her.

Sandra begins to make fun of Patricia and suggests that she go in the bathroom to fix her hair, after all, she has spent all day on the phone complaining about her car, the credit cards, and her bills. Patricia angrily comes back with the retort that at least she can fix her beauty problems with a comb, there are others that last a lifetime (what a witch!). As Patricia leaves in a bad mood, Aura María, Sandra and Mariana high-five.

Patricia walks into the bathroom and hears the crunching noises of Bertha’s eating and, to boot, Bertha talking to the chips. :o) Patricia goes into the stall next door, climbs on the toilet, looks over the partition, and discovers Bertha eating away. Patricia cannot suppress a smile and she tiptoes out of the bathroom. She immediately heads over to Aura María, Sandra and Mariana and tells them that they can find out what Bertha’s auto-suggestion diet is all about if they go into the bathroom.

All four of them run over to the bathroom and walk quietly in. Patricia tells Sandra to climb on the toilet next to where Bertha is at so she can see her and, when Sandra sees Bertha eating away, she yells at her “Bertha González!” and orders her to come out with her hands up. As Patricia smirks in the background, Mariana reproaches Bertha about all of her lies about her diet. Aura María wonders where Bertha hides the food and she heads over to the sinks and finds the stash. Now the three of them are even madder at Bertha.

Cata comes in to take part in this afternoon’s meeting and the first person she runs into is Patricia. As they greet, Mariana, Aura María, Bertha and Sandra come out of the bathroom with all of the chips … Sofía walks up and, in loud voices, they tell her what’s going on and show her Bertha’s stash. Patricia apologizes to Cata for the spectacle she has to witness, but Sandra makes it clear that this is not a spectacle, a spectacle is getting stranded when your Mercedes runs out of gas, LOL!

Freddy finally arrives with Jenny and Aura María calls him a ‘perro callejero’ and tells him he will get in trouble for chasing skirts. Freddy, looking at Jenny’s skirt, replies that it’s not a dishonor to chase such a skirt. As Aura María leaves, Jenny tells Freddy that she doesn’t know how he puts up with Aura María’s disrespect.

Patricia tells Cata that on a day-to-day basis, in a company like Eco Moda, one has to witness the dramas of the employees, conflicts that thankfully neither she nor Cata have in their own lives. Cata, who knows better, just looks at Patricia disdainfully and Patricia immediately changes the subject. :o)

Sofía holds all of the chips away from Bertha as Bertha begs for some of the bags. Jenny and Freddy walk up and Jenny whines to Sofía to not take Bertha’s food away … she knows her situation is not good, but it is not bad enough to have to take someone else’s food away. Sofía calls Jenny shameless again, but this time to her face, and tells her that when Efraín gives her the money for her kids, then they can talk and not before.

Gutierrez walks out of his office to find out what all of the noise is about and, for his benefit, Jenny immediately starts an even louder whiny voice and tells Sofía not to get aggressive with her, she’s just trying to help Bertha get her food back because she looks so desperate. Gutierrez asks Sofía if she’s taking Bertha’s food away from her and Sofía explains that Bertha is on a diet and they are helping her out with her self-control. Gutierrez asks Bertha if she lets this go on, and Bertha says she does but she would at least like some of her pork rinds back. Sofía loses the little patience she has left and gives all of the chips back to Bertha.

When they all leave, Armando comes out of his office and asks Freddy, who is still with Jenny, “Where have you been, you idiot?” :o) Armando remarks that obviously he wasn’t doing his job, he was in the arms of the ‘pupuchurra’ and if he doesn’t start paying attention to his job, he will cease to be Eco Moda’s messenger and will become ‘pupuchurra’s’ messenger, LOL!

Jenny walks away and Freddy tells Armando that he will go downstairs to get his things immediately, and starts heading in the direction of Hugo’s taller rather than the elevator. Armando calls him back and asks him where the elevator is and Freddy nervously points out that it’s behind him.

Armando grabs his shoulder in a tight grip and tells Freddy to leave Jenny alone and orders him to go get the documents … he tells him to march! Freddy tries one more joke and says that ‘Marge is in the boardroom’ and Armando yells at him that he’s saying march, march!!

Armando walks into his office and calls Betty to join the meeting. Before doing so, Betty leaves an envelope on Armando’s desk that reads, “Para el doctor Armando Mendoza”.

Once Jenny arrives at Hugo’s taller, Hugo reprimands her for her tardiness and reminds her that there are a lot of people that want her out of here, and though he cannot join forces with them, especially the ‘feas’, if he has to do without her services, he will, zzzzzzz!

Hugo adds that she should call El Cheque, he’s been driving him crazy calling compulsively and excessively all afternoon. Hugo asks Inesita to get Jenny ready and he leaves for the meeting.

Cata walks in to the boardroom and Mario greets her right away and, as always, asks when she will accede to have an affair with him. Cata answers that when everything in the Apocalypse comes true, that’s when she will accede. Mario reminds her that the Apocalypse says that very few will remain alive, and Cata tells him that when all of the sinners die and he’s still alive, then they can talk. :o)

Betty greets Cata and wonders who’s missing so they can start the meeting. In walks Hugo and he also asks whom they are waiting for. Armando answers that they’re waiting for Marcela, and Hugo orders Betty, calling her a ‘moscorrofio’, to go get her. When Armando gives Hugo a murderous look, Hugo responds that a high executive is surely not expected to go get Marcela …

Betty just get ups and goes to get Marcela before things get out of hand. Cata remarks to Hugo that the only manly thing that he has remaining is his cruelty to women.

In Marcela’s office, Marce tells Patricia that Armando has indeed been seen with a woman … Beatriz Pinzón Solano. Marcela adds that she wouldn’t even define Betty as a woman. Patricia answers that either Armando is having an affair with Betty or with a man. Marcela tells Patricia that she would think that Armando is gay first before thinking that he would go out with Betty. As a matter of fact, he would fall in love more quickly with a horrible man like Popeye than with that horrible Betty. Then she and Patricia laugh those fake, cackling laughs and open the door to the office … to find themselves face-to-face with Betty.

Marcela asks her what she’s doing there and Betty tells her that they are waiting for her in the boardroom to start the meeting and she walks away. It is obvious Betty is very hurt because she overheard Marcela’s comments. Patricia asks Marcela if she thinks Betty overheard and Marcela tells her she doesn’t care, she’s saying the truth anyhow, and that happens to her for covering up for Armando.

In the boardroom, Gutierrez offers Cata cookies to go with her coffee. Hugo admonishes him for flirting with Cata and warns Cata about the men by whom they are surrounded: two fine English hunting dogs (referring to Armando and Mario), the kind that hide their prey so that no one will find it, and a pure breed (referring to Gutierrez) who barks at anything in skirts and has no palate.

Armando and Mario exchange looks at Hugo’s ramblings. Marcela walks in and Hugo brings her up to date on what has been going on … his comparison of the men in this room to dogs. Marcela begs to differ and tells Hugo that there are no fine dogs in this room, however there are street dogs who don’t stay home and move in herds to find female dogs in heat and then return home … to sleep, of course.

Betty sinks down in her seat, and Armando looks extremely uncomfortable. Hugo tells Marcela that if she wanted to make a point, she has sure made it.

Armando tells Hugo to be quiet and starts talking about the upcoming collection and the success of the past collection. Hugo thanks everyone for their applause (of which there was none) and Armando rolls his eyes and tells him that he does indeed deserve an ovation, as he calls it, but so does Marcela, Mario, Gutierrez, Beatriz, Catalina and each and every employee of Eco Moda. He then goes on to ask Betty how many employees Eco Moda has and Betty answers that there are a total of 1,050 employees and Armando says that there should be 1,050 simultaneous applauses for the success of the past collection.

Armando then tells Marcela and Hugo that he will not put up with any more self-congratulating and asks Hugo to stop interrupting. This new collection will try to recoup all of the ground Eco Moda lost in the failed collection. Hugo takes exception to that comment and says he was not part of that failed collection … it was the fault of the top executives and their top intelligence (referring to Betty). Armando tells him to be quiet again.

Armando continues to stress that the coming board meeting will be the most important one of Eco Moda because they will be launching the new collection and his parents will be coming. Hugo butts in again and reminds Armando that another important event will be taking place around that time … his marriage to Marcela.

Armando looks uncomfortably at Betty, who sinks down even lower in her seat, as Hugo and Cata begin to discuss the upcoming wedding preparations. Cata asks Marcela for details on the preparations for the wedding and Marcela turns around and says to Armando, “Why don’t you tell her, love, about the preparations?”

In the Boardroom

After Marcela requests that Armando give the details of the wedding, he gives her one of his stares and tells her that he doesn’t know. He informs everyone that Maria Beatriz was in charge of the plans but has been living in Australia for some time. He asks that they get back to business. Guiterrez chimes in that he can have the entire personnel assist with the plans. Armando informs him that his wedding is not the subject of the meeting. Marcela in her smartalic voice says that the wedding is not the topic of discussion at the meeting, in their office, at home, etc. Armando tells her that they will discuss it in private. To which she replies, “Aye in private, thank you.” Armando turns the conversation back to business.

At Betty’s House

Nicolas is on the telephone and Betty’s mother brings him an orange drink. He is unhappy that he is getting another orange drink. He tries joking with her and tells her to remember his name, Mora - DeMora, she is to hurry. He wants to know if she has spoken to Betty, because he is having trouble contacting her. He says that he needs to speak to her immediately.

Dona Julia wants to know what he is going to do. He takes a sip of his drink and notices that it is lemon and tells her orange, orange! … Dona Julia rolls her eyes. Nicolas tells her that he has a telephone number to the president’s office. He looks sideways at Dona Julia. She asks what he is thinking. He tells her that he needs her to do him a favor and that she needs to do a good job because his and Betty’s images are at stake.

At the Office

Patricia is speaking with a creditor who is suggesting that she pawn her car and jewels. She wants to know if he realizes how long it would take her to get them out. She goes on to explain that she inherited the jewels. He threatens her with legal action. She tells him that she is not afraid that she has lawyers who can defend her. As soon as she hangs up, she makes sure that Sandra and Mariana have not overheard her conversation and tells herself that she is afraid.

Patricia’s telephone rings and it is Dona Julia acting as Nicolas secretary and asking to speak to La Doctora Beatriz Pinson. Patricia says “who?”. Dona Julia says Betty’s name again. Patricia says that she doesn’t understand why they are calling on this line when she has her own. Dona Julia goes on to explain that they have been trying her line and cannot reach her, and it is very important that they speak to her. Patricia tells her that she is in a meeting and cannot be interrupted. Patricia wants to know who is calling. As soon as she hears Nicolas’ name her ears perk up and a smile comes across her face. She asks if he would like her to take a message.

Dona Julia acts as though Nicolas is in another room and asks if he would like to leave a message. When Nicolas becomes aware of who is on the other end, he tells Dona Julia, “pass the call to me on Line 1, Line 2, no Line 4, they are all busy”. As Dona Julia passes the telephone to him, she makes an unkind remark about Patricia, and Nicolas tells her not to speak about Patricia in front of him.

Patricia and Nicolas begin to flirt with each other. Patricia tells him that she wants to clarify that she is just not any secretary. Sandra and Mariana hear that she is speaking to Nicolas and move closer in order to investigate. Meanwhile, Patricia is explaining to Nicolas that she is very good friend with Armando, Marcela, the Mendoza’s and the Valencia’s. She took this job as a favor to Armando because he was in an urgent need for a secretary. She informs Nicolas that she has six semesters of finance from San Marino.

On the other end of the line, Nicolas says “oh yes” as though he has heard of the university but his facial expression lets us know that he has never heard of it. She tells him that she is in charge of taking care of Armando’s image, arranging cocktails, lunches, etc. She asks if Betty has told him what she does. He says no, that he and Betty do not discuss Eco Moda. They only speak about financial affairs. In fact, they hardly speak.

Patricia wants to know how this can be since they are novios. Nicolas makes a face when she makes this comment. Nicolas tells her that their relationship has just started. Patricia tells him that she was under the impression that they had been novios for quite some time, and that he was very much in love. Nicolas rushes to deny that he is in love.

Patricia tells him that she is embarrassed to be discussing his personal life. He tells her that it is not a problem since they have a friendship, even though it is by telephone. Patricia tells him that they must meet.

Nicolas can’t speak. He begins to act as though he is signing checks. He starts talking to Dona Julia as though she’s his secretary and barking orders. Dona Julia tells him to hang up, which he won’t. Patricia tells him that he needs a new secretary. Why not hire her?

She begins to laugh and says that she can not leave because Armando would kill her. She asks him to come to the office so that they can meet. He makes an excuse and then she says that she could go by his office.

Dona Julia gets upset and yells that he is needed in a meeting. They make a promise for him to call in order to make a date. Dona Julia is upset that he has used her in helping him with Betty’s worst enemy. Nicolas explains to her that in the business world everyone invites everyone to lunches and social events, but no one really attends.

In the Boardroom

As the meeting is drawing to a close, Armando suggests that everyone proceed to the showroom in order to approve Hugo’s new line. Marcela stops and says that it is tradition for Daniel to be invited when no one else from the family is present. Armando does not care to have him there, but gives in to Marcela.

On her way out, Cata tells Armando that he needs to spend more time planning his wedding. Armando and Betty stare at each other. Betty excuses herself. Armando blows up at Mario and tells him that this cannot be happening to him. Mario tells him that he is going to have to drop one of them. They go over the consequences of dropping either Betty or Marcela.

In the Hallway

El Cuartel is discussing Patricia’s conversation with Nicolas. They decide that they are going to help Betty. Bertha tries to get involved in the discussion but El Cuartel will not let her be a part of the conversation as part of her punishment. El Cuartel informs Betty of Patricia’s conversation with Nicolas. They tell her that they are going to help her with Patricia, but she tells them that she would prefer to handle this on her own.

Hugo appears and gives Inesita a hard time for being in the hallway gossiping. He tells her to look for the material that Marcela has purchased for her wedding dress. The wedding is now the topic of discussion. Comments are made as to how the wedding plans are dragging, Armando doesn’t seem interested and that the relationship is not going as it should.

El Cuartel asks Betty for her opinion, and she tells them that the wedding will occur as Armando and Marcela have a very strong commitment. Betty excuses herself and goes into office. El Cuartel notices that she is depressed. Betty is at her desk saying, “He is going to get married.”

In the Boardroom

Armando and Mario are still discussing the consequences of his dropping Marcela or Betty. Whichever direction he takes he loses the company.

At Betty’s House

Betty calls Nicolas and wants to know what game they are playing. He tells her that he has been trying to get in touch with her. Betty asks with her or Patricia. Betty is yelling at him and tells him that she has asked him 1,000 times to leave Patricia alone. She even knows about their date. Nicolas wants to know if the telephones are tapped. Betty says it’s older but reliable.

She mentions the job offer, and he comments on her intelligence sources. He tells her who was it that told Patricia that she had a rich and handsome boyfriend. Betty tells him that before Patricia is hired, he will be out of a job, she will shut down the business, or she will be buried alive. Nicolas says that he picks the latter, and that he will even bring flowers. Armando and Mario are outside of Betty’s office listening to her yelling at Nicolas. Nicolas tells her to stop yelling at him. He then rethinks it, and says that since he is suppose to be her boyfriend to go ahead and yell.

He tells her that he needs more money because it is more difficult to be her boyfriend than the manager of Terra Moda. Betty tells him that he is doing a poor job and to put a stop to his conversations and flirting with Patricia. She goes on to tell him that he is making her look ridiculous in front of her co-workers. He agrees to end the relationship. He tells her that this relationship is not letting him breathe. After hanging up, he complains about how not only is Betty ugly but also tough. He says that it is an abuse for her to be both.

Nicolas picks up Patricia’s picture and tells it that their relationship has to end. He says that it is not meant to be. The whole world is against it. He tells the picture not to worry that she will continue to be on top of his desk.

In Armando’s Office

Armando and Mario had been listening to Betty’s conversation with Nicolas. Armando wants to know what is going on. Mario says that it was a conversation of jealousy. Armando wants to know why Betty is playing with him against Nicolas. Mario reminds him that it is not Betty who is playing, but he is. He goes on to say that Nicolas is an obsession. Armando tells him no and tells him the story of how Nicolas sent the musicians to play for her the evening of her birthday.

Betty enters with a report for Armando to review. He asks her if there is a problem. She answers him that there was problem at home. When she returns to her office she slams the door.

Marcela enters and informs Armando and Mario that Daniel is on his way. Mario leaves and Marcela stays behind to tell Armando that the wedding is canceled. He tries to sweet talk her and tells her no, that they will discuss it at home. She says no, and that it is ok for Betty to hear so that she can tell his other woman that he is no longer engaged.

Betty is in her office listening with her eyes wide open. She tells him that she understands that the other woman has him confused. Daniel has arrived and is listening outside of Armando’s office. Armando tells Marcela that he has told her before that there is no one else. Daniel steps in and wants to know who has him confused. Marcela takes him to the showroom.

Armando goes into Betty’s office to inform her that he will be in the showroom. He invites her to come to the showing, but she tells him that she is too busy and that her approval is not needed.

In the Showroom

Hugo is complaining to Cata about his troubles with his boyfriend. He tells her that they no longer speak. In fact, he had to send him to sleep on the sofa without a blanket. Cata tells him that he always has these problems when he is preparing a new collection. He tells her that he will be coming to her apartment for a message. He goes on to tell her that she does not need to worry about him because he will not try anything. She tells him that she does need to worry because he stole one of her boyfriends.

Daniel appears and greets Cata. He makes comments about her eyes, and that with her spirit, she must have good sex. He tells her that she must be terrible when she has a man at her side. She answers on the contrary. When she has a man by her side she suffers from depression, jealousy and anxiety. She tells him that men were made to share a life with a woman, she says that they are necessary but not appropriate. She tells him and Marcela that the reason Adam was made first, was so that God could then make the perfect woman.

In the Model’s Dressing Room

Jenny gets a call from El Cheque on Hugo’s private line. Inesita tells him to let her take the call because he has been calling all day. The whimp (El Cheque) is baby talking to Jenny, and when she threatens to hang up, he tells her that he is going to ask Sophia for half of the house. She suddenly becomes happy, and starts calling him her “pupuchurro”. Hugo had only given her 30 seconds to talk and is singing, “hang up, hang up” which she ignores.

In the Showroom

Daniel sits by Armando and says, “So she has you confused”. Armando wants to know who he is talking about and he says “her”. Daniel asks him to do them all the favor of not marrying Marcela. Armando tells him that it is none of his business. Daniel says that it is his sister and she is the most important thing in his life. He tells him that if he doesn’t marry Marcela, that they could come to an agreement. They split the company in half with each doing what they want without questions from the other. Armando says no, and that his father would not allow it.

Marcela is confiding in Cata. Cata tells Marcela that Armando is not ready to marry. Marcela says that if she doesn’t marry Armando in September, that she will never marry.

Outside the Showroom

El Cuartel is watching the show. Patricia comes and gives them a hard time. Patricia is insulting the way they dress. She tells them that whenever she feels depressed or ugly, she just thinks of one of them, and then she feels better. Sandra tells her that just because she has some clothes and colored hair doesn’t mean anything, and that she can’t take away anyone’s boyfriend that she pleases. Patricia wants to know what she is talking about.

Sandra tells her that she can’t take Betty’s boyfriend. They tell her that they overhead her conversation with Nicolas. She tells Betty that if she wanted, she could take her boyfriend away like that (she snaps her fingers). She goes on to ask about what people would say about her having the boyfriend that Betty had …. What about image? Betty’s wants to know whose image she is talking about, Betty’s or Patricia’s. Betty goes on to say that people may say that Patricia suddenly got intelligent.

Betty had just insulted Patricia by speculating that if she’d go out with Betty’s beau, people would think she’d finally got some brains. Patricia comes back with her own insults as to Betty’s lack of sexual attraction. “The first thing a man looks at are the legs, then the bust, then the butt… and dead last brains.” “Well that’s certainly true for men who go out with you,” counters Betty. Berta has been enjoying being in on the gossip, “That Peliteñida is like a dog with a ham, Betty had better be careful!” but the cuartel isn’t ready to forgive her yet. She excuses herself to the bathroom and they threaten her to not eat any more. Betty gets back to business and Sandra and Mariana worry still about Patricia and Nicolás.

The fashion show concludes (only 4 outfits?) and Hugo comes out for the praise he feels due him. The reaction is at first reserved (note: men on one side, women on the other!) and he pouts. Catalina applauds enthusiastically, and Marcela agrees that she likes it all too. Armando asks Mario for his opinion and he offers that it looks like a good collection, but it looks like the fabrics will be costly. Hugo picks up on this and gets irritated at the idea that they could mess with his designs again. Armando tells him that that’s not what they were talking about, “Can’t they express an opinion?” Meanwhile, Patricia has barged in and is up on the stage checking out the designs. Armando asks her, “Who invited you?” She boldly counters that he might not think much of her as a secretary but he has to admit that she’s got good taste. Dan agrees mockingly, but snidely comments that he’s seen her looking better (naked in bed?). Patricia is truly shocked by this tasteless joke and runs off very embarrassed. Dan continues that the collection may be the last. Marcela looks shocked, “What are you talking about?” He tells her that he and Armando were speaking of this just before the show. “If you’re not going to marry him, then there’s no reason to continue and we should perhaps disband this company.” Everyone looks shocked even more by this statement and Armando looks particularly alarmed. “That’s not what we were talking about!” he tells Marcela in a rush to clarify things. She’s really shaken and tells him that they’ll speak of this later in private. Dan cynically agrees, because he wouldn’t want to see this conversation in the tabloids. “At any rate, we can discuss it at the next board meeting.” Hugo’s concerns are for the work he was going to put in on her wedding dress, if there’s not going to be a wedding. Catalina chides him, offended at his tactlessness.

Patricia is striding around the lobby and when Dan walks up to her near the elevator, she asks him what he’s looking for. “Nada,” he tells her without emotion. “What makes you think there’s anything I’m still looking for?” He leaves and Patricia sees Marcela on her way to her office. She threatens Marcela that if Dan ever makes those unpleasant jokes about her again… Marcela interrupts her ferociously and tells her to leave her in peace. This stops Patricia for a second and she asks her if she’s okay. “Leave me in peace!” demands Marcela and she stalks off in a fury, leaving Patricia to speculate that everyone there is insane.

Hugo and models are leaving for the night and Fred offers his effusive praise. Hugo wants to know what else he wants “Bueno!” Fred babbles on but Hugo cuts him off and tells him not to touch a single fiber of his designs. Fred sees Jenny standing all alone. He greets her. She looks at him with her combination coy/reticent look, “We have to talk. We have to clear up how things are between you and I,” she tells him. “Why? Excuse me,” says Fred, a little surprised, “How can I clear it up? Is there something about me that affects you — the way I look?” “No,” she tells him, “You’ve always been a gentleman, but I have to be careful with my pupuchurro.” She looks at the cuartel, “Those women could misinterpret things and talk. We’ve always been friends and I don’t want to lose that. Adios.” “Adios,” he says sadly, “Goodbye to those legs that carry me to my fantasies”.

In Armando’s office, he, Mario and Betty are reviewing some data. Marcela enters with some files and some major attitude. Armando tries to ask how she is, “Marcela…” She responds ready to bite his head off, “¡Qué!” She tells him that she’s going to her apartment, as if he cares, and stalks out. Betty, uncomfortable by this, quietly heads to her closet and Armando inquires after her. She too responds with a testy “¡Qué!” but apologizes and he asks her to take some things to Inez. After she leaves, Armando asks Mario in desperation what they’re going to do because if things continue, they’re going to be without an EM. Mario suggests that he look to AA for inspiration and pulls out another photo of the model. Armando is distracted and Mario slips it in Armando’s pocket.

In her closet, Betty looks sadly at the photo she has as her screen saver (now it’s a 4-up arrangement of Armando!). Armando enters hesitantly and asks her if she’s going home now. She has some work to do, but he tells her that he wants to take her home. She doesn’t want to be a problem, but he insists that they need to talk. She agrees and they walk out together.

Patricia sees Mario waiting by the elevator to leave for the evening and flirtatiously asks him if he has plans for the night. He pretends to think about his many plans, “Yes, I do,” he replies coldly. She reacts to his attitude and chides him for it and he responds in turn by using Daniel’s joke about having seen her looking better. Armando and Betty walk up to the elevator and he asks Patricia if Mario has left for the evening. She replies that she has and then looks at him sideways. “What’s that look!” he demands angrily of Patricia. “I’m talking Betty home, for your information!” Patricia looks a little confused, “I didn’t say anything…” she whines. After they leave, she runs to her phone and dials. She calls Marcela at her apartment (we see Marcela consoling herself with a brandy) “Armando just left with the 4-eyes and he told, me to my face that he’s taking her home and what should I do?” Marcela doesn’t care, “Do what you want.” Patricia wants her to come out and track him down, maybe there’s another assignation brewing. “Aren’t we going to pursue this? Are you giving up on your wedding?” “There is no wedding!” says Marcela bitterly and hangs up, leaving Patricia to wail, “Don’t leave me like this! And now how can I sleep without resolving this gossip?” ponders Patricia.

On the ride home, Armando pleads his case with Betty. “I need you to know that I’ve always been honest, I ask you to believe in me.” Betty is trying not to care, “Don’t worry about me… I knew that you were promised to marry doña Marcela…” Armando tries to broach the topic again, “What happened between us shouldn’t have happened…” but Betty cuts him off, “Don’t worry about me; you don’t have to cancel your wedding.” Armando gets a strange determined look on his face, “Beatriz, I’m not going to cancel my wedding!” Betty looks a little startled by this. “I never said that I was going to cancel it.” He continues that if he doesn’t go through with his plan to marry Marcela, then they risk losing EM. Betty offers then to return the control of EM but he tells her desperately that she can’t. “If you do, then all of the creditors will descend on us! I need you to continue with the company for a while more until we can pay our debts!” Betty begins to understand the situation, “Then you’re going to have to continue to plan your wedding,” she says reluctantly. He agrees and tells her that at this moment he’s going to marry Marcela. She feels that they should end things, but he disagrees vehemently. “What are you speaking about! Are you crazy! We can’t stop (seeing each other)!” He tells her that they only need to wait a while, because there won’t be a wedding. He goes on to tell her that he didn’t know that his feelings would grow daily, that this would happen to him. He sounds very sincere. “Me too,” she agrees, “I know that every day I love you more and more.” Armando sounds anxious, “We can’t separate!” “But Doctor…” counters Betty. Armando silences her with a series of kisses, “Doctor, this is insane! You can’t continue to plan your wedding, only to cancel it!” “I have to continue at least until the board meeting,” he pleads. She tells him that she understands, but tells him that it won’t be easy for her. Armando tells her that it will be difficult for him too. “I need your help,” he begs her. He hints that they have a future which surprises Betty. “Doctor! You want to say that what we have could be formalized?” Armando admits, “I have thought of this, that eventually that we could. I need you now more than ever—I need to know that you trust in me… Stay with me…!” Betty murmurs, “Doctor… You can count on me always, always!” Armando is touched, “Gracias!” They kiss several times passionately. He looks away and checks his watch; it’s time to go. She snuggles and he drives up to her house. The car stops. “Until tomorrow,” she says, with her shy smile and he replies, “Until tomorrow. I’m happy,” he tells her, “ You’ve made me happy.” Betty replies, “I don’t know how I’m going to face Marcela, but you can count on me.” He smiles and watches her expectantly as she walks to the house. His eyes follow her closely and there seems to be a genuine smile on his face as she waves to him. She enters the house and he makes a call on his cell and starts the engine.

Mario answers the phone, very jaded in tone, “So, did Betty give you the heave-ho?” Armando is annoyed by his tone but tells him that she didn’t, that she accepted his offer. “The only problem is that now I have another noose around the neck. I had to promise that after the show and the board of directors meeting — and I cancel the wedding with Marcela — that I would formalize my relationship with Betty!” Mario counsels him that he’s just going to have to adjust to this new development. He turns the topic to what Armando had to do to convince Betty. “Where there kisses?” he says jokingly. Armando is annoyed by this crass talk but responds, “Yes, there were kisses.” Mario asks him if he used alcohol or the photo of AA to inspire him. Armando doesn’t know what he’s talking about and Mario tells him that he slipped the photo in Armando’s pocket. No, it turns out he didn’t use the photo and he didn’t have anything to drink. Now it’s Mario’s turn to be surprised.

In her bedroom, Betty pours her heart out to her diary. The day had begun as a nightmare, but ended very differently. She feels that life has come back to her body, to know that they’re going to continue their relationship. Soon they’ll announce to the world their relationship. She feels no more shame that she’s taken Armando from Marcela’s side: besides, she’s always been her worst enemy. It’s not my fault if he cancels the wedding: he won’t do it for me, he’ll do it for himself. He’s never been happy with her.

We see Marcela in her bedroom with the brandy snifter, looking very morose. Armando enters the doorway of the bedroom and looks very glum. She asks bitterly what he’s doing there and he tells her that he came to speak of their wedding. “There won’t BE a wedding!” Armando continues, “I came to say that there will be a wedding and the date will be the same date that it’s always been.” “What,” says Marcela cynically, “Did you speak with your parents and they’re forcing you to do this? No? Or are you worried by what Daniel said and that you’ll lose your prestigious position as president? Your ego will suffer?” Armando replies in kind, “Of course, I only set a wedding date to get your vote to become president!” I’ve only used you! Fine, sleep well!” He turns to leave and she calls him back. “Armando! Suppose that we do marry… what will you do with HER?” “Who?” “The woman you hide from me?” “Have you finished?” asked Armando. “Or have you ended with her?” asks Marcela, “I imagine your destroyed now, that she’s destroyed by the news. I know that before we marry I should have you go to a priest and have him do an exorcism because I don’t want a man who isn’t with me fully.” Armando is angry, “So, who is this woman?” Marcela hasn’t got a name for him, but she’s been thinking who it might be all night. She tells him that she doesn’t want a phantom between them. “Are you sure that you want to marry?” He tells her that he didn’t come to cancel the wedding, he came to firm up the date. “That’s not what I asked… do you want to marry?” she persists. “You and I’ve never really spoken of this.” Armando strips off his jacket and lies down on the bed alongside Marcela. “I’m going to believe in you because deep down, I need to believe in you,” Marcela tells him on the brink of tears. “I need to believe that you love me, and that you are mine, and that you want to marry me — but if that’s no so, don’t be with me. I need to know that what you say to me you say with your heart; if what you feel isn’t what I feel for you, don’t defraud me, because if you do, that would be the worst thing to happen to me since the death of my parents.” Armando is guilt-stricken. She kisses him and he responds the way he did when he first kissed Betty. We hear Betty talking about her love for Armando and the way she feels now, knowing that he spends the nights with Marcela. He turns away from Marcela and pleads fatigue. “Rest, my love.” “It was a horrible day,” he replies. She consoles him. She looks over at him and backs away. We hear Betty, “I fear for us.” Marcela feels his jacket pocket and comes across the photo of AA and pulls it out. She is shocked and and slides it back, whispering curiously, “AA?”

Next day, they arrive together at the office, seemingly in harmony, and Armando is shocked to see that Patricia is on time and he comments on her miniskirt. Patricia whines about how she couldn’t sleep with her debt worries, how sweetly the rich must sleep… Marcela teases her that her debt-related insomnia is good for the company if it gets her there on time. Patricia asks about her canceled wedding and Marcela tells her glibly, “There’s been a change of plans!” Patricia’s jaw drops, “ Aren’t you going to tell me about it?” With a flip of her hair, Marcela says, “No!” Patricia begs, “You’re going to get no rest until I know!” Marcela gives up and drags Patricia off.

Armando and Mario briefly discuss what happened between Armando and Marcela and pause when Betty enters look frightful (worst outfit yet) and beaming at Armando. He asks her if she’s done with the figures but she hasn’t because Inez hasn’t arrived yet. “I’ll go check on her,” she tells him and then as an afterthought, remembers that Mario’s in the office and wishes him a blushing good day too. Mario comments on her enthusiastic mood and indicates that he has a another detalle (a silly key chain) and card. Armando asks what it says and Mario elaborates. Armando asks if he’s got another one for him to give Marcela. Mario agrees and asks him how it went last night. Armando tells him that Marcela agreed to trust him again.

In Marcela’s office, the two women talk. “I told him that I would trust him again,” says Marcela with a wounded heart. “My pride lay broken in pieces.” Patricia asks her whether she confronted him about the other woman and Marcela tells her that Armando denied her existence. “Of course he did!” says Patricia cynically. Marcela speaks touchingly of how she’s waited and fought for him for 3 years and she can’t boot her dreams for their life together now at the last minute. She grows in determination, “I’m going to fight this woman!”

In the studio, Hugo fusses with the models. Betty enters and apologizes for the interruption. He, being Hugo, gets all snippy, “You, you don’t ask pardon of god!” He tells her to scoot, “Fly!” Betty doesn’t back down. “I need to talk to Inez, Don Armando needs her to give the costs for the new collection.” Inez comes in and she’s carrying the fabric for Marcela’s wedding dress. Betty sees it, knows what it represents, and her face falls. She then asks her if Inez could bring the folders. Hugo drapes lace on a dummy and asks snidely how she can order anyone about in his studio. Betty has a response, “I’m just relating the orders of the president. Well then, I’ll just tell him and Dr. Calderón what you said and we’ll just propose our own fabric choices…” Hugo rises to the bait and tells Inez to run, don’t let them do a thing! Betty looks sadly at the rich fabrics, watching as Hugo plans his artistic creation. “What are you looking at? Leave!” She takes one last look. She leaves to hear Hugo maliciously commenting that of course the fabric is white, as Marcela is a virgin… snicker, snicker…

Armando tells Mario that Marcela doesn’t believe that he doesn’t have another woman. Mario responds by saying that there’s no proof; it’s pure supposition on her part. “Look Calderón,” Armando broaches a new topic. He tells him that he couldn’t make love to Marcela the night that he made love to Betty; that’s one thing that has her suspicious. Now, he couldn’t make love again last night. This is stunning news to Mario and he comments on him kissing Betty without the aid of the photo. He wonders what Armando’s feelings are for Betty. “Look, you’ve gone out on Marcela before with many other women and never had any problem complying with your conjugal duties… I don’t know what has you so upset, but yesterday you could kiss Betty without the photo… Now what?”

Armando- Tengo un poco de remordimiento! Y claro siento culpa por estar enganando a marcela. Pero usted me pregunta que me esta pasando? que me esta pasando no lo se!

antiPATica y Marge se encuentran en la officina de marcela hablando de quien le puede estar quitando a Armando. Le cuenta que no tuvieron relacciones otra vez y marce le cuenta a patty de la foto que encontro en la chaqueta de armando de nada mas que de Adriana Arboleda. Marcela le cuenta que ella todavia no esta segura si es ella. Patty le dice que que mas prueba quiere que eso….

En el tayer de Hugo Lombardi:

Hugo se encuentra disenando el vestido de novias de marcela. Y suena el telefono es adriana arboleda. beatriz se encuentra en el tayer esta esperando a Inesita para que vayan a la sala de juntas. Ella mira el traje muy deprimida! :(Adriana invita a Hugo a un evento y le pide que la ayude con los vestuarios de las modelos. Hugo le dice que le tiene que pedir permiso al presidente de ECOMODA como a un nino chiquito! Ella le dice que va a invitar a armando y a los ejecutivos de ecomoda.

Mario le pide a armando la foto de arboleda ya que no la necesita le advierte que es un peligro que la tenga en su chaqueta por si se la encuentras betty o marcela. (ellos no saben que las dos ya estan muy informadas con respecto la fot el carga!) Armando dice que lo que paso anoche fue por circumstancia y eso no queria decir que todavia no necessitaba a adrianita. mario le dice que se despida.Mario- Como fue que fue a cambia a betty por esto!Armando viendo la foto dice - Te amo adriana arboleda te amo muchisimo (mmmuuuaa) le dio un beso a la foto.

Mario- Yo no quiero ver esto.

Adivinen quien estaba atras de ellos viendo lo todo? Si Beatriz!!

Beatriz-DOCTOR YA LLEGO INESITA esta en la sala de junta.

Armando se puso nerviosisimo, casi se le cae la foto y rapido se la da a Mario.Armando- AAAAAAh si Vamos Bien vamosMario- Vamos vamoslos dos se miranBetty se va a su officina a buscar unos catalogos.Mario- usted tiene que ser mas cuidadoso con sus relacciones platonicas! Armando le reniega- AAAYY!!

Entra Betty a su cueva (como la llama mario) y encuentra la tarjeta y el llavero que le planto Armando (hhhrrmm, mario) Betty se avia puesto triste pero se puso contenta rapido que vio los detalles de su amor. ella lee la tarjeta y se la pone cerca de su corazon.

Mientras tanto en la sala de juntas Inesita les dice a armani y calderon que no cambien las telas por que asi seran mas triunfantes. Armani le explica que no van a cambiar nada pero que se da cuenta que ella se ve cansada, y le dice que ya ella tiene derecho a su pension y que si no le gustaria descansar y disfrutar sin tener que trabajar. Que la salud es lo primero. Inesita le dice que para ella el trabajo es la razon de su vida. Y que que va aser en su casa todo el dia. tambien que la pension era muy poco. Armando le ofrece unas vacacciones pagadas para afuera de Bogota despues que pase lo de la coleccion.

Entra Betty - BUENO PODEMOS EMPESAR!!! :)esta feliz y radiante hasta le guina el ojo a don armando y el preocupado ve a inesita para ver si se dio cuenta y como no el le guino el ojo a betty tambien.;);O)

En recepcion:

Auramaria habla por telefono con una amiga preguntando si tiene planes para salir y como no le toca quedarse a dormir y en casa prestada le explica ana a su amiga. Tambien le dice que ella pudiera conseguir un apartamento pero es o un apartamento o el coleggio de su hijo y ella no va a dejar a jimmy sin colegio.

Entra Freddy y auramaria empiesa a (mentiritas) comentarle a su amiga por telefono que claro que esta noche se iba de ruma.Freddy escucha y esta muy angustiado.

En eso ella Adriana Arboledo y Freddy se derrite al frente de ella. El lleva a arboleda al tayer de hugo. Entran al elevador y Freddy- Que siga la flor y salgan las espinas! llegan a piso de presidencia

Patsy Pat se MUERE cuando ve quien llego y cuando pasan ellos ella se va corriendo a contarle el chisme a marce.

Llegan al tayer de Hugo Lombardi y Hugo dice besito aqui besito aca!

Pero venga que tenemos que fumigar a una cosita.Mire igualado usted me esta dando ordenes ami a Hugo Lombardi?freddy da sus explicacciones pero Hugo sigue insultandolo - usted esta expulsado de aqui payaso de almuerzo. y hugo le explica a adriana que ay esta lleno de murcielagos y gordas y vampiros, y feas , que es un circo.

Pero cuentame adriana de que hombre es que te alimentaspor que esta divina!!

marcela- Esta en ecomoda?

Patricia le cuenta que llego nada mas ni nada menos que adriana arboledo.

Marcela- Y pregunto por Armando?

PAtty- No, pregunto por hugo.

Ay marce no seas tan boba vamos al tayer de hugo a sacarla arrastrada.

marcela- Claro y que? que yo le forme un escandalo, solo por que el tiene una foto de ella en su chaqueta? no senor. Ve a tu escritorio y te pones alerta. Y si se mete a presidencia o ala sala de juntas me avisas.

Patty- cuenta con eso marce- a quien le dijeron!!!Y con eso se va a espiar :)

En la sala de juntas se encuentra mario, armando, ines y beatriz hablando de numeros y figuras para las telas de la nueva coleccion. Suena el telefono y armando le advierte a betty que no esta para nadie. que no quiere interrupciones. Es Hugo en el telefono, y pide hablar con armando. Ella le explica a hugo que esta muy ocupado y que no puede venir al telefono. hugo insiste que debe de hablar y betty le dice que esta acatando una orden de Don Armando que es la orden mas alta de la empresa!

Armando- que pasa betty digale que no, que estoy ocupado y menos para el. o quiere que se lo diga.Betty- Don hugo el esta muy ocupado y no puede ser interumpido y menos para usted.Hugo- y no puede para adriana arboleda?

Se le fue todo a betty cuando escucho ese nombre. Y se recuerda de todo lo que decia armando con la foto que era una mamamosota y que si la veia se casaba y se olvidava de todo. Tambien se recuerda lo del beso con la foto.

Armando le pregunta que pasa, ella contesta que es que adriana arboledo esta ahi para verlo pero que si quiere ella le pide que vuelva otro dia como estan tan ocupados. pero el le dice que no que va a attenderla.

Armando- que me la mande para presidencia!

y con eso se va tan culeco que al fin va a conocer a su muse de inspiraccion!!

se queda ines, mario y betty quien esta muy angustiada. ines se da cuenta que algo le pasa a betty y pide unos minutos de recesso. Betty dice que sy y le dice a mario que tiene que ir a su oficina a buscar unos catalogos. claro ella va a espiar en armando y adrianita.

Hugo le da un warning de lo mujeriego que es armani pero le advierte que el se va a casar con marce y que el le esta disenando el traje de novia. Adriana le responde que no sepreocupe que ella es felizmente casada. Ay armando pone una sonrisa de playboy y hugo comenta que debe de tomarle una foto por que se ve divino con esa sonrisa que solo sale una vez al ano. Adriana viene a invitar a armando y a pedirle prestado a hugo para que le ayude en su evento.

Patsy corre a darle el info a marce de que ya estaba en presidencia adriana.

Marcela- A si ella se lo busco!!Y sale endiablada.

entra betty a la officina y se queda mirando a adriana de pie a cabeza y pide disculpas que tiene que buscar unos catalogos en su officina. pase betty pase. ella se queda viendo a adriana finalmente armando nervioso presenta a betty y a adriana. otra vez se queda ay parada viendola y armando le dice que si no le va a ofrecer algo de vever. ella va a buscar agua para ella y para el doctor.

Betty- DOctorque desea usted?Armando- silencio solo mira a adriana como un bobo.Betty- Doctor?Armando- oh si un cafe.

Sale betty enfurecida y viene marcela endiablada y se encuentran en el pasillo.

marce- beatriz donde esta armando en presidencia o en el tayer de hugobetty- en presidenciamarce- y quien esta con el?betty- adriana arboleda.marce- y que asen?betty- hablando!MARCE-claro es su amiga!betty- me la acaban de presentary betty se va

Mientras adriana le entrega una caja que es una invitaccion para el evento y es una flor. armando la abre y dice que que divino y huele la flor con una cara de plaser. entra marcela endiablada. y armando pone una cara como que si lo hubieran agarrado con la manos en la masa.Las introduce a las dos pero marce esta muy celosa y se pone muy celosa.

Armando- marcela que te pasa?,marce- los tres sabemos bien que es lo que me pasa!armando mira a adriana con penamarce se va al fin y armando le pide disculpas a adriana por marcela dice que ella esta celosa.

patty se encuentra a marce y le pregunta:

  • ya la matastes marce? vamos a recojer su cadaver? marce si quieres yo me encargo de ella!!y con eso se va corriendo atras de ella.

Betty en su officina buscando pretesto llena una caja de carpetas y la tira al suelo. BANNNGGG!!Armando- (ya molesto) que pasa beatriz??betty- es que se calleron unas carpetas.armando- pues recojalas.

betty sale mientras armando y adriana se despiden el le pregunta que que ace ay. Y ella le dice que no encuentra unos catalogos que necesitan y que estan en el escritorio del el y empiesa a registrarle el escritorio le pasa por al frente el esta muy molesto y le dice que no beatirz pero ella sigue. termina empujandolo y el le grita que ellos estan hablando que los deje empas!! y ella casi llorando le dice que la disculpe y se fue tan rapido que hasta le piso el pie.

Armando- ME PISO!!adriana- por que eres tan malo con ella?armano- es que me saca me mis casillas esa mujer!!

mario sale al pasillo y se fija que betty esta triste y le pregunta si todo esta bien ella dice que si que en dies minutos empiesan a trabajar otra vez.

Las del cuartel siguen a betty al bano para sacarle el chisme de lo que esta pasando con don armandoy la modelo en su oficina. ella les dice que nada que no sabe nad ay que se tiene que ir a trabajar! cuando sale del bano se encuentra con marce y patty y suena que marce le habla de que adriana se lo esta quitando a las dos que se tienen que unir. :)

marce le grita que que mira ya saben como es ella en eso sale armando con la modelo y se despiden. marce y patty van atras de ella asia el taye rde hugo.

armando entra a la sala de juntas y pregunta que donde esta betty. Mario le pregunta que que le hiso a betty por que salio destrosada de la oficina de el. armando le cuetna que el le grito y mario le dice que ahora si tiene que pensar qu e va a hacer con ella por que esta destrosada, que estaba celosa.

Entra betty a la sala y dice:Betty- podemos empesary armando la llamabetty- si doctorArmando trata de pedirle disculpas pero justo cuando empeso ella le corto y le dice que no quiere hablar de eso por que tienen mucho que trabajar y deja a armando hablando soloarmando- pero…..


Betty and Armando are on the second floor. He keeps telling her that they need to go somewhere and discuss what happened, and she says no, there is nothing to discuss, it was clear, and besides, they can’t be seen leaving together.

Marcela and Patsy show up at the museum looking for Armando, and half-pretend to the Cuartel and Cata that they are there for the show. Marcela asks if anyone has seen Armando, and Sandy says he was with Betty.

Berta has left the group and gone up to the second floor, and is looking at a painting of an orange. She begins to discuss with herself the beauty of the painting, and of course, is obsessing about the orange itself. She is clearly very hungry.

Berta comes up to the second floor and calls out to Armando that Marcela is looking for him. At first he is shaken, but then he tells Berta to tell Marce that she hasn’t seen him or Betty.

Berta walks away and Betty says to Armando that they can’t do this, that Marce is going to have a fit, and he says she won’t because she is not going to see them. He then pulls Betty toward a different entrance from the one where they came in.

Berta is heading back downstairs before running into another painting of food, which enchants her completely. She is fascinated by the beauty of a banana, how wonderful everything looks, etc.

When she reaches the next level, she runs into Marce and Patsy, and Marce asks if she has seen Armando. Berta looks agitated and a little off/dizzy, and says no, and then they ask about Betty, and she says, no, not her either. Patsy asks if she has eaten, and she says no, no I haven’t, and then wanders away.

Marcela says she doesn’t trust any of the cuartel, so she’ll have to go see for herself.

Betty and Armando have made their “escape” to the car, and both get in. Armando and Betty are driving to someplace as of yet undetermined when Marce calls him on the cell phone. Armando tells Marce that he’s with Betty, that some work came up that they can’t take care of tomorrow because they are leaving town, and that they will be doing that for a short while. When she questions him, he tells her that he did what he said earlier, that he was at the museum, and that he’s not doing anything wrong, so she shouldn’t be mad at him. They are shouting back and forth and Betty puts her hand on her chest to calm him. She is clearly very upset by the interaction.

Betty tells Armando he should give Marcy another chance, that they should end this. He and marce are going to Palm Beach and they should give it a chance there. All of this is making her feel very very bad. He asks her if that is what she really wants, look in his eyes and tell him that is what she wants. She keeps avoiding his eyes, and then he stops the car to talk to her. Is this really what you want? She keeps saying how bad this is making her feel, how wrong she feels, and then he shifts approach and informs her that if she wants to go home, he will take her home! He came all this way, to the museum, he risked everything for her, everything to show her how important she is to him, that she is more important than any other woman, but she is asking him to take her home. Well, if that’s what she’s asking him to do so he will do it! He will take her home. She backs off and says no, no, that’s not what she wants. He responds that he wants to be with her, that she is important to him. He tells her that they will be leaving town tomorrow, and he is going to miss her very much. Her face softens and warms to him, and she tells him that it will be very difficult to be without him. “Betty”, he says “Mi Betty”, he says. And then they share several tender kisses.

The phone rings again and Betty looks completely panicked. “If that is Marcela I don’t want to hear it,” she says, “please let me out over there.” “No, no, don’t worry, it’s Calderon,” He answers and he and Mario have a mostly one-sided conversation during which he fills Mario in on what has been going on. Mario asks “are you working on that project?” He says “ah huh”, Mario asks, “is it going well”, he responds “more or less.” He then tells Mario that Marcela followed him to the museum. Mario responds that he can’t go out in public then, it would be too risky. Mario suggests a more clandestine place, a more private place, HIS PLACE. Armando agrees that ist ois a good idea, and then pretends to be telling Mario that he is taking Betty home, and that shortly thereafter he will meet Mario at some event.

He hangs up, and then tells Betty that they can’t stay there, because Marce is looking for them, but that they should go someplace quiet. He suggests Mario’s place, and when she blanches, he says that they could go to his place, he could take her home, but that would be the first place Marce would look. She agrees, and then share another kiss.

Hugo is telling Cata about how there are two great art occurrences in the twentieth century, that of fashion happening at EcoModa, and that of Picasso.

At Mario’s apartment building, Armando and Betty enter and the doorman has the keys ready for Armando. He asks if they will be staying all night, and makes those guy “I know what you’re up to” faces, and Armando says they will be there a while. Betty is clearly disconcerted by the ease of the response of the doorman, and his familiarity with Armando in this interaction.

They enter the apartment and Betty says “you have been here alone before many times. Well, not exactly alone, but very well accompanied, without Calderon.”He says “I have been, but not recently.”She responds, “you have brought many women here.”He repeats “not recently.”

He then asks her if she wants something to drink, she asks for blackberry juice, he says I’ll see what I can find. He brings her what looks like orange juice (I didn’t catch the type) and offers to add something to it, but she says she doesn’t want any alcohol. He tells her “I am having a whisky, but this is my first and my last today.” She asks if she can borrow the phone, she needs to call her father. He responds of course, it’s right over there. She picks up the phone to call home.

Don Hermes and Dona Julia are sitting in their bedroom, and he is expressing concern since he hasn’t heard Betty. Betty calls and tells him where she is, which upsets him greatly. He says she told him she was going to the museum, but not to some man’s apartment. She tells him it is a work meeting, that things came up at the museum that they can’t take care of tomorrow, and besides, Armando is there too, not just Mario, so she isn’t alone. When he asks about how she will get home, she tells him not to worry, Armando will bring her. The entire time they are talking, Dona Julia is making faces about Don Hermes’ demands of Betty.

Somewhere in here, cut to the next scene at the museum. Patsy, Marcey, Hugo, Cata and the Cuartel are still at the museum, looking at paintings and discussing the life of Picasso when Patsy announces that she really enjoys the work of Picasso. She says this with intense, dramatic enthusiasm. She wants to know when he is going to do more work so that there will be another show. Cata calmly informs her that there will be no more new works since Picasso is dead, while Marce laughs on Hugo’s shoulder, who pats Marce’s back sympathetically for having to suffer such a friend.

Betty tells Armando “I had to lie to him, I had to pretend that Mario was here too, or he would be very worried.”He responds “ you don’t have to explain yourself “

They are both clearly very uncomfortable. Betty crosses the room to sit in a chair far from Armando, who is still nursing his whisky. “He protects me so carefully, as if I were a beauty queen, but you look at me with different eyes.”

Armando starts to interrupt and say no, you are, but she cuts him off. “Don’t try to tell me that I am special, or loyal, or other things you had to force out the other night to explain yourself. We both know how you are, and the situation with Adriana Aboleda shows it. You have a weakness for beautiful women, you always have.” Armando is looking increasingly agitated as he hears her talk about him through her eyes.

“What are you going to say to Mario when he asks you who you brought here tonight?”“He won’t ask.”“Of course he will. We both know how he is.”“He won’t ask the name.”“But he won’t need to. If I were like the other women you brought here, beautiful, tall, 90-70-90, then I would blend in, like all the women you have in the computer at work. But you haven’t brought any other ugly women here. If you describe me, he will know exactly who you are talking about. ”She is getting more and more upset, talking to him, but he is facing us on the couch, while she stands behind the couch facing a side wall, leaning on a barre something like a dancer’s barre.

“This is all so difficult for me”, she says. “I am just a parenthesis in your life. I am the first and the last ugly woman in your life. I came into your life by accident. This is happening now, but we both know that sooner or later you will go back to your life as before, another beautiful woman.”

“No one dreams about an ugly woman. No one thinks about making their dreams come true with an ugly woman. You could never be with me. Your family would never allow it. There would be an awful scandal, and you could lose EcoModa.” She continues with this kind of talk until Armando jumps up from the couch and pulls off his glasses in frustration, interrupting, saying “No, that isn’t true.”

Somewhere in here we cut to Patsy, Hugo, Marcey and Cata talking about Picasso. They are looking at a painting, and Marcey asks if this was his last model. Cata says no, other women sat for him, but she was his last companion. Marcey asked what happened to her. Cata replied that she killed herself. Picasso was a very difficult man, and the women in his life had a hard time, the obsessive nature of the relationships was very painful and difficult. Patsy said “oh Marcey!” Marcey said “What” irritated (it appeared that Patsy was thinking that Marcey’s relationship with Armando was this way, but Patsy’s response was only, “que tragico.”

Betty can’t take feeling this bad anymore, so she decides to leave.

“I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to be Mario’s apartment where you have been with so many other women”. She heads toward the door and he steps in front of her and softly says “No” as he pulls her to him. “You should go be with Marcela, she is waiting. Don’t worry about me, I will take a taxi”“No one as special as you”“No one as ugly as me”“No one as special” he kisses her on the forehead, “No one as sweet” he kisses her on the cheek, “no one as good”, he cups her chin and gives her a soft kiss on the mouth, “No one who awakens me. You awaken me” He kisses her forehead again and is holding her close.

“This is terrible for me” she says.“Why?”“Because I love you, Doctor, I love you” she kisses his mouth, the side of his face, embracing him.“I am afraid. I am afraid of what will happen, I am afraid I will suffer, I am afraid. But I am also afraid to continue without you.”He cups her chin with both hands and tells her “you have nothing to fear.” He then continues kissing her, and they both become more aggressive, dropping clothes on the floor and slowly moving towards the couch, until he lowers her onto the couch under him and they continue kissing. (Freezframe) NOTE - -the interaction this time was still sweet, but more aggressively passionate than last time.

Betty and Armando are on the second floor. He keeps telling her that they need to go somewhere and discuss what happened, and she says no, there is nothing to discuss, it was clear, and besides, they can’t be seen leaving together.

Marcela and Patsy show up at the museum looking for Armando, and half-pretend to the Cuartel and Cata that they are there for the show. Marcela asks if anyone has seen Armando, and Sandy says he was with Betty.

Berta has left the group and gone up to the second floor, and is looking at a painting of an orange. She begins to discuss with herself the beauty of the painting, and of course, is obsessing about the orange itself. She is clearly very hungry.

Berta comes up to the second floor and calls out to Armando that Marcela is looking for him. At first he is shaken, but then he tells Berta to tell Marce that she hasn’t seen him or Betty.

Berta walks away and Betty says to Armando that they can’t do this, that Marce is going to have a fit, and he says she won’t because she is not going to see them. He then pulls Betty toward a different entrance from the one where they came in.

Berta is heading back downstairs before running into another painting of food, which enchants her completely. She is fascinated by the beauty of a banana, how wonderful everything looks, etc.

When she reaches the next level, she runs into Marce and Patsy, and Marce asks if she has seen Armando. Berta looks agitated and a little off/dizzy, and says no, and then they ask about Betty, and she says, no, not her either. Patsy asks if she has eaten, and she says no, no I haven’t, and then wanders away.

Marcela says she doesn’t trust any of the cuartel, so she’ll have to go see for herself.

Betty and Armando have made their “escape” to the car, and both get in. Armando and Betty are driving to someplace as of yet undetermined when Marce calls him on the cell phone. Armando tells Marce that he’s with Betty, that some work came up that they can’t take care of tomorrow because they are leaving town, and that they will be doing that for a short while. When she questions him, he tells her that he did what he said earlier, that he was at the museum, and that he’s not doing anything wrong, so she shouldn’t be mad at him. They are shouting back and forth and Betty puts her hand on her chest to calm him. She is clearly very upset by the interaction.

Betty tells Armando he should give Marcy another chance, that they should end this. He and marce are going to Palm Beach and they should give it a chance there. All of this is making her feel very very bad. He asks her if that is what she really wants, look in his eyes and tell him that is what she wants. She keeps avoiding his eyes, and then he stops the car to talk to her. Is this really what you want? She keeps saying how bad this is making her feel, how wrong she feels, and then he shifts approach and informs her that if she wants to go home, he will take her home! He came all this way, to the museum, he risked everything for her, everything to show her how important she is to him, that she is more important than any other woman, but she is asking him to take her home. Well, if that’s what she’s asking him to do so he will do it! He will take her home. She backs off and says no, no, that’s not what she wants. He responds that he wants to be with her, that she is important to him. He tells her that they will be leaving town tomorrow, and he is going to miss her very much. Her face softens and warms to him, and she tells him that it will be very difficult to be without him. “Betty”, he says “Mi Betty”, he says. And then they share several tender kisses.

The phone rings again and Betty looks completely panicked. “If that is Marcela I don’t want to hear it,” she says, “please let me out over there.” “No, no, don’t worry, it’s Calderon,” He answers and he and Mario have a mostly one-sided conversation during which he fills Mario in on what has been going on. Mario asks “are you working on that project?” He says “ah huh”, Mario asks, “is it going well”, he responds “more or less.” He then tells Mario that Marcela followed him to the museum. Mario responds that he can’t go out in public then, it would be too risky. Mario suggests a more clandestine place, a more private place, HIS PLACE. Armando agrees that ist ois a good idea, and then pretends to be telling Mario that he is taking Betty home, and that shortly thereafter he will meet Mario at some event.

He hangs up, and then tells Betty that they can’t stay there, because Marce is looking for them, but that they should go someplace quiet. He suggests Mario’s place, and when she blanches, he says that they could go to his place, he could take her home, but that would be the first place Marce would look. She agrees, and then share another kiss.

Hugo is telling Cata about how there are two great art occurrences in the twentieth century, that of fashion happening at EcoModa, and that of Picasso.

At Mario’s apartment building, Armando and Betty enter and the doorman has the keys ready for Armando. He asks if they will be staying all night, and makes those guy “I know what you’re up to” faces, and Armando says they will be there a while. Betty is clearly disconcerted by the ease of the response of the doorman, and his familiarity with Armando in this interaction.

They enter the apartment and Betty says “you have been here alone before many times. Well, not exactly alone, but very well accompanied, without Calderon.”He says “I have been, but not recently.”She responds, “you have brought many women here.”He repeats “not recently.”

He then asks her if she wants something to drink, she asks for blackberry juice, he says I’ll see what I can find. He brings her what looks like orange juice (I didn’t catch the type) and offers to add something to it, but she says she doesn’t want any alcohol. He tells her “I am having a whisky, but this is my first and my last today.” She asks if she can borrow the phone, she needs to call her father. He responds of course, it’s right over there. She picks up the phone to call home.

Don Hermes and Dona Julia are sitting in their bedroom, and he is expressing concern since he hasn’t heard Betty. Betty calls and tells him where she is, which upsets him greatly. He says she told him she was going to the museum, but not to some man’s apartment. She tells him it is a work meeting, that things came up at the museum that they can’t take care of tomorrow, and besides, Armando is there too, not just Mario, so she isn’t alone. When he asks about how she will get home, she tells him not to worry, Armando will bring her. The entire time they are talking, Dona Julia is making faces about Don Hermes’ demands of Betty.

Somewhere in here, cut to the next scene at the museum. Patsy, Marcey, Hugo, Cata and the Cuartel are still at the museum, looking at paintings and discussing the life of Picasso when Patsy announces that she really enjoys the work of Picasso. She says this with intense, dramatic enthusiasm. She wants to know when he is going to do more work so that there will be another show. Cata calmly informs her that there will be no more new works since Picasso is dead, while Marce laughs on Hugo’s shoulder, who pats Marce’s back sympathetically for having to suffer such a friend.

Betty tells Armando “I had to lie to him, I had to pretend that Mario was here too, or he would be very worried.”He responds “ you don’t have to explain yourself “

They are both clearly very uncomfortable. Betty crosses the room to sit in a chair far from Armando, who is still nursing his whisky. “He protects me so carefully, as if I were a beauty queen, but you look at me with different eyes.”

Armando starts to interrupt and say no, you are, but she cuts him off. “Don’t try to tell me that I am special, or loyal, or other things you had to force out the other night to explain yourself. We both know how you are, and the situation with Adriana Aboleda shows it. You have a weakness for beautiful women, you always have.” Armando is looking increasingly agitated as he hears her talk about him through her eyes.

“What are you going to say to Mario when he asks you who you brought here tonight?”“He won’t ask.”“Of course he will. We both know how he is.”“He won’t ask the name.”“But he won’t need to. If I were like the other women you brought here, beautiful, tall, 90-70-90, then I would blend in, like all the women you have in the computer at work. But you haven’t brought any other ugly women here. If you describe me, he will know exactly who you are talking about. ”She is getting more and more upset, talking to him, but he is facing us on the couch, while she stands behind the couch facing a side wall, leaning on a barre something like a dancer’s barre.

“This is all so difficult for me”, she says. “I am just a parenthesis in your life. I am the first and the last ugly woman in your life. I came into your life by accident. This is happening now, but we both know that sooner or later you will go back to your life as before, another beautiful woman.”

“No one dreams about an ugly woman. No one thinks about making their dreams come true with an ugly woman. You could never be with me. Your family would never allow it. There would be an awful scandal, and you could lose EcoModa.” She continues with this kind of talk until Armando jumps up from the couch and pulls off his glasses in frustration, interrupting, saying “No, that isn’t true.”

Somewhere in here we cut to Patsy, Hugo, Marcey and Cata talking about Picasso. They are looking at a painting, and Marcey asks if this was his last model. Cata says no, other women sat for him, but she was his last companion. Marcey asked what happened to her. Cata replied that she killed herself. Picasso was a very difficult man, and the women in his life had a hard time, the obsessive nature of the relationships was very painful and difficult. Patsy said “oh Marcey!” Marcey said “What” irritated (it appeared that Patsy was thinking that Marcey’s relationship with Armando was this way, but Patsy’s response was only, “que tragico.”

Betty can’t take feeling this bad anymore, so she decides to leave.

“I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to be Mario’s apartment where you have been with so many other women”. She heads toward the door and he steps in front of her and softly says “No” as he pulls her to him. “You should go be with Marcela, she is waiting. Don’t worry about me, I will take a taxi”“No one as special as you”“No one as ugly as me”“No one as special” he kisses her on the forehead, “No one as sweet” he kisses her on the cheek, “no one as good”, he cups her chin and gives her a soft kiss on the mouth, “No one who awakens me. You awaken me” He kisses her forehead again and is holding her close.

“This is terrible for me” she says.“Why?”“Because I love you, Doctor, I love you” she kisses his mouth, the side of his face, embracing him.“I am afraid. I am afraid of what will happen, I am afraid I will suffer, I am afraid. But I am also afraid to continue without you.”He cups her chin with both hands and tells her “you have nothing to fear.” He then continues kissing her, and they both become more aggressive, dropping clothes on the floor and slowly moving towards the couch, until he lowers her onto the couch under him and they continue kissing.

Mario’s Couch

Betty and Armando are HEAVILY making out.

Outside Club

Freddy and Aura Maria arrive. Freddy asks if this is the place that she frequents. She thanks him for the ride. He thanks her for letting him bring her. She tries to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he turns his face. She tells him that he is going to have fun on his date. He says that she will be doing the same. She tells him that she doesn’t know if her date as has arrived. She tells him that at least Wilson is waiting for him with their girls. She tells him to leave. He tells her to go inside. He informs her that he was given the mission to make sure that she arrived safely so he will not be leaving until she enters the club.

Aura Maria goes to enter the club, she stops, turns around and asks that he take her to Sophia’s. She confuses that there is no date. “Oh yes, you can’t take me because you have a date” she says. She says goodbye. He tells her no, that it is his responsiblity to make sure that she is safe and he will take her to wherever she wants to go. He confuses that there is no one waiting for him. Aura Maria admits that she only did all of this to be with him. His desire in life is to be with her. They kiss.

In Patricia’s Car

In front of Marcela’s apartment Patricia is telling her that she doesn’t see Armando’s car. Marcela tells her that she doesn’t have to ruin her evening. Mario will be coming. Patricia says that of course he will, after he leaves the other one. Patricia tells her that she believes everything that he tells her. Marcela disagrees and states that she will be able to tell if he was with Betty of the other woman.

Mario’s Apartment

Betty and Armando have finished making love and Betty is in the process of putting on a robe. They smile at each other and kiss again. Betty tells him that it was very nice. He says that he knows that it was “very nice, very nice”. They kiss again for quite awhile. Betty finally puts a stop to it and tells him that it is best that they leave since others are waiting on them. Armando begins to kiss her again.

Armando says that all night Betty has been asking about his other women and he would like to know about her first time. Betty pulls away and asks if it is important for him to know. He answers yes. He claims that Betty knows quite abit about his past and he would love to know about hers. He says, of course, if she wants to tell him. She agrees. She warns him that it is not a nice story. It doesn’t matter to Armando.

She tells him how a few years back a new boy, arrived to the neighborhood. He became friends with the others, they introduced her and he kissed her hand. He began to visit her at home, bringing gifts - flowers, cards and chocolates. (Her father did not care for him, obviously.) He was the first man to pay attention to her and she accepted to be his girlfriend. (She holds up two pictures of the guy.) She fell in love. She lived for him, his gifts and his affection. She was experiencing something that she had never felt before. One afternoon he asked her to make love. She agreed. It was the first time that she had ever been in love with someone, with heart and soul. (Armando is sitting on the couch with his arm to his side listening. Betty is staring into space.) She continues her story and says that after that afternoon it was a long time before she ever knew anything about him. She never came by or did she receive a telephone call. He didn’t bother to tell her that it had ended.

Armando asks if didn’t he live in the neighborhood. Yes, he did and she went looking for him at his house and she was told that he was not in and never to bother coming back. She ran into one of the girl’s of the neighborhood and asked about him. The girl told her not to bother with him. She tells her that she was used and that she should not have gone to bed with him. Betty tries to deny it. The girl tells her that everyone knows and that she was used for money.

Armando asks how for money, did she not know. She found out a few days later. Coming home from the university she ran into the crowd that Armando had the fight. Miquel was with them and she confronted him. He told her that they had nothing to talk about. She told him that she didn’t like what he was saying. She wants to know what is going on. They tell her how it was a bet.

Armando and Betty are now sitting on the steps. Armando wants to know how she was used as a bet. (Armando is shaking his head in disbelief.) She tells him that Miquel used her, to go to bed with “La Fea del Barrio” to win some money. He tells her not to say that. She tells him not to worry that she is used to it because that is what she has always been called. Shes goes on to say that Miquel accepted the bet and took his time to conquer her and later to seduce her. (Armando is staring and is remembering when Mario brought all the gifts that would be used on Betty.) Betty is saying that they played with her and she didn’t notice it. (Armando is still staring into space and continues to remember the gifts.) Betty is continuing her story by saying that they were arguing how much to bet and she never noticed it. (Armando has a frown on his face. His eyebrows are almost meeting in the middle.) Betty tells him that they destroyed her. She says that it almost killed her. Armando puts his arms around her and asks how there can be such miserable people. Betty tells him that she doesn’t like to remember it because it was the most painful thing that has ever happened to her. (Armando caresses her cheek.) He tells her that they are not worth the pain. She goes on to say that the first person that showed an interest in her was deceiving her. She tells him how she wouldn’t leave her room and had not interest in going to the university. Her mother was well aware of what had occurred and she is the one that stayed by her. Her father knew that something had happened and almost ran Miquel from the neighborhood. This is why her father is so protective of her.

Armando wants to know where Nicolas was during all of this. Did he know? Was he a part of it? Betty assures him that Nicolas had no idea of what was occuring. He is incapable of doing harm. Next to her parents and Armando he is the closet thing she has. He knew that she was in love and was not in agreement. He stayed by her side during the most difficult times. (Armando is making a face as though he is jealous that Nicolas was at her side.)

From that moment Betty felt that she would never love again. She would never be able to forget and go on. Until Armando arrived. She puts her head on his shoulder and tells him how much he means to her. Armando returned her illusions and faith. (Armando is looking guilty.) She tells him that this is the reason why she is afraid to love him. She doesn’t want to live that nightmare again. Armando is feeling guilty and tells her that she has every reason to feel that way and he tries to tell her that he is not the person that she thinks he is. She stops him and tells him that he is a grand man and that he would be incapable of doing anything like that. She puts her head on his chest and he puts his hand on her face. She tells him that he is honest, mature and from a good family. He tries to tell her no. She tells him that they must go. She goes to kiss him and pulls her close. She stops kissing him and he continues.

After she leaves to change he becomes very upset with himself. His cell phone rings and its Marcela. He tells her that he is preparing his suitcase. She tells him that she will wait for him.

Betty comes back and mentions that she heard his telephone ring. He tells her that it was Marcela. She tells him to go on and that she will get a taxi. He says no. She insists and he says no angrily and orders that he will take her home. They kiss again.

At the Club

Freddy and Aura Maria are dancing and kissing. (The club is trying to close.) Freddy tells her that he always knew she was the woman for him. They talk about how if they had no one else. They kiss. The waiter brings the bill - apparently high. Freddy tells her that their night is over. She can’t believe that he plans on taking her home. They continue kissing and leave.

In Front of Betty’s House

Betty thanks him for everything and tells him that it was a nice evening. He says it was nice for him. She doesn’t want her story to change the imagine he has of her. He tells her no. They kiss goodnight and then hug. She tells him that she is going to dream about him all night. He says that he plans on doing the same. He smiles and waves at her while she enteres her house. After she enters, he begins to shake his head no. He asks himself why he has to do this to her.

In Betty’s Bedroom

Betty is writing in her book that she wanted to demonstrate to him that she was the most important woman for him. The one that he loves. (Armando is shown in Marcela’s apartment.) Betty continues to write that he showed her that she was above the rest.

Marcela’s Apartment

Marcela kisses his cheek. He is cold. She tells him that she is going to relieve his stress. He says that it is not important. She wants to make love. He’s not interested. He tells her that he has alot on his mind due to the trip and the new collection. She wants to know how long he plans on using that excuse. She tells him to go find another. Armando becomes angry and tells her not to start. She tells him to demonstrate to her that he was not with her. She tells him not to worry that she is not going to obligate him to make love. She realizes that he can’t because of her (Marcela). It would also make her sick his making love to her after he has been with the other woman.

Betty’s Bedroom

Betty continues to write about how Armando’s reaction to her story was beautiful. It seemed to affect him the way it had affected her. He listened to her as though he were taking every step in her tragedy. He hugged. She thanks God for putting him on her road. She thanks God for letting her love, to be love and returning her faith. She thanks him for men like Armando, honest and being able to love above prejudices.

At the Office

Marcela asks for Aura Maria.

Patricia wants to know what happened. Marcela tells him that he arrived early and that everything was the same. He had been with the other woman. Patricia follows her to her office where she begins to cry and tells her that she has lost him. Patricia wants to know how could she allow him to stay in her bed after he had been with another woman. Marcela answers that she wasn’t strong enough to throw him out. Patricia tells her that she needs to go on this trip alone. Marcela tells her that she needs him to go in order to try to get him back.

Armando’s Office

Armando calls out for Betty. She enters all happy. He smiles. He wants to know what is happening with the bank and the providers. Betty tells him that the bank will only lend them 50% of what they need. Betty suggests that they speak to the providers to get credit.

Armando asks Betty to get Freddy. He needs him to go and pack a suitcase for him since he lied to Marcela and told him that he already had packed. Betty informs him that he hasn’t arrived. Armando says that since Aura Maria is not in they must be together. (Betty starts laughing and moving her head side to side.) Armando doesn’t get upset and tells her to send Freddy in when he arrives.

Mario enters and wants to know what happened. Armando tells him that they are pigs of the third kind. Mario disagrees. He tells him that what they are doing has no name. He wants to end it. Mario says its his guilt. Armando tells him that all he is doing is causing Betty’s the greatest tradegy of her life. They move into the conference room and Mario wants to know if they made love. Armando says yes, once and without any pictures to look at. Armando tells him that Betty loves him and that there is something special between them. Mario tells him that an ugly woman makes love like it is the first and last time. Besides he awakend Betty’s desires. Armando gives him a look that says no. Mario wants to know who it was. He tells him that story of Betty’s first time. He tells him how Miquel brought gifts, like Mario’s, card’s like his until she gave in. Mario tells him that he is not going to be the one that disappears. It will be Betty. They will send her on a vacation to Indonesia. Armando gets angry. Armando tells him that if she finds out it will kill her.

If Betty discovers what they (Armando and Mario) are doing (repeating virtually the horrible experience of her first betrayal); it will be horrible for Betty, says Armando. “but what should we do?, asks Mario. “Listen to me!” demands Armando frantically. “I’m finishing a woman who loves me! …A woman who has waited all her life for someone like me! Wake up!” Mario tells him to calm down. “Let me say something. You’re not destroying her, you’re making her happy,” he tries to persuade Armando. “You’re helping her realize her dreams…” “Calderón, you know perfectly well when all this is over this will destroy her.” Mario’s solution is to send Betty on a trip far away; he feels that with time and distance she’ll forget all about them when she’s away on a dream vacation. He wants Armando to give her another card and detalle. Armando, however, finds this difficult. He doesn’t want something meaningless, he needs something from Mario that truly expresses something genuine, something sweet. Mario flippantly tells him, “Okay, Señor Presidente, as you order it! I’ll go find my muse in the bathroom!”

The elevator opens to reveal Freddy and Aura Maria kissing passionately (her hair is still wet). Sandra and Mariana ask where they’ve been and Patricia can’t resist walking up and sarcastically commenting on their late arrival, “…and would you like some morning coffee?” Freddy, wittily replies, “Sure, with 2 sugars, and you can bring it dancing!” Patricia mocks them for having wet hair and Aura Maria is not fazed by this; she brags about enjoying the jacuzzi with her novio, implying that this would be foreign territory for Patricia. Patricia, however, replies that she’s been in many jacuzzis with many men, only to be overheard by Mario. He mocks her for revealing what they’ve always suspected (that she’s a floozy) and she is left embarrassed once again. Mariana and Sandra tell Aura Maria that Marcela is annoyed and wants to see her, sending her into a panic. Freddy takes her hand and assures her that they’ll face the music together.

In Marcela’s office, Aura Maria and Freddy enter hand-in-hand and shamefacedly, to face a stony-faced Marcela. Aura Maria starts to apologize and take the blame for the late arrival and Freddy stops her and starts to take the blame on his shoulders. Marcela asks him cynically who he’s acting as: Aura Maria’s lawyer? Freddy says that he’d never thought he’d say this, but he’s there as Aura Maria’s boyfriend. Marcela unenthusiastically says, “Imagine that… so I should forgive you for this?” Aura Maria begins again to explain and take the blame, but Freddy interrupts again and apologizes by explaining that they were enjoying their new relationship too much perhaps. Aura Maria won’t let him take the blame and they see-saw back and forth over who will be the one at fault. He tells her that he will because if he’s fired it’s only he that’s hurt, if she’s fired she has her son to think of… Marcela watches this display of romantic solidarity with a combination heavy heart/jealousy/amusement. The two decide that they’ll share the blame and face the consequences together. Marcela stops them and cynically asks Aura Maria if this is something serious or something for only one night and Aura Maria assures her that it’s definitely the real thing. Freddy tells her that she can call them husband and wife, because he’ll marry Aura Maria as soon as she agrees. Marcela is sadly/sweetly happy for their happiness and advises them to appreciate what they have. They leave her office, hand-in-hand and share a passionate kiss in front of Sandra and Mariana. They what to know what happened and Aura Maria tells them that Marcela is good people, not like some… Hugo comes up and is angry that Aura Maria isn’t down in reception because he’s got an important guest coming and he doesn’t want that idiot Wilson greeting her. When Aura Maria doesn’t run fast enough to suit him he tells her to, “Fly, Pechugin!” Patricia asks who’s coming and he tells her that it’s Cecilia Bolocco, the former Miss Universe, Chilean television presenter and novia of former president of Argentina, Carlos Menem. Freddy is about to head down to reception with Aura Maria and Mariana calls him back to see Armando immediately.

Mario recites his latest romantic effort to Armando, but he is not moved; he wants something better. “Hey, I’m the VP of Commerce, not a poet,” counters Mario. “Look at these caramels, she’s sure to like these.” Armando doesn’t want the usual for Betty, and Mario is a little annoyed, “Listen, young Romeo, I’ve got to leave for Palm Beach in 2 hours: what do you want me to do? My job or write poems?” Armando will give it some thought himself; Mario leaves. Freddy enters hesitantly and Armando gives him a hard time about his late arrival, then sends him off to his apartment to run the errand about his suitcase. “Don’t tell anyone!” he tells Freddy. “Fly!” Freddy responds by pretending to extend his wings, “Flaps!”

In the hallway, Marcela asks Mariana when their airport driver is expected; she’s basically ready to go. Patricia notes her expression and asks if she’s leaving and Marcela indicates that she is. Freddy flaps past, making them stare.

Armando reviews the note that Mario started to write for him and shakes his head; he rethinks it and is about to write something else (with a happy “thinking of Betty” smile on his face) when Marcela enters the office. He quickly pushes it under his blotter and her face immediately assumes a suspicious look. She asks when he’ll be ready to leave with her and he tells her that it depends on what Betty tells him. He calls for Betty and she enters all happy; her face falls when she sees Marcela in the office too. He asks her about the tickets and vendor status. The tickets are there but bad news with the vendors… they don’t want to deal with her, she says smugly. He’s the one that signed the contract and they only want to deal with him. Marcela’s face darkens and Armando’s face looks hopeful, as if he has an out for the trip. He asks Betty what she’s telling him he out to do and she tells him that she thinks he shouldn’t go to Palm Beach or they’ll be unable to start production on the collection. Marcela can’t believe her ears; she blows her top and accuses him of planning this. Armando is furious at this and denies this. “I’m not inventing this… didn’t you hear Betty?” “Oh, I heard her…” “Mi amor…” he pleads. “Don’t call mi amor!” She goes on and on about how this is a trap they’ve planned and he responds angrily to her accusations by telling her that he’s not lying. She rushes out and he follows, leaving Betty looking a little anxious, but pleased at the turn of events.

Cecilia Bolocco has arrived and Aura Maria has brought her upstairs to escort her to Hugo’s salon. Patricia rushes up to grab control and a tug of war ensues over the right to take her. Cecilia looks bemused by this. Marcela storms past angrily shouting that there will be no wedding and Armando chases after shouting just as angrily, and Cecilia Bolocco is very shocked. She wonders if she’s arrived at a bad moment, maybe she should leave. Patricia naively explains who Marcela and Armando are and goes to take her off to see Hugo.

In Marcela’s office, Armando shouts that he didn’t ask Betty to make up this excuse but she tells him that it’s some strange coincidence. “Forget about it! I’m traveling to Palm Beach alone! Forget about me!” Armando tells her impulsively that he’s not going to cancel his plans for the trip, come what may. He’s going to go to please her regardless of what this means to the collection. Marcela fumes.

Hugo is fitting the models and Patricia stops in the doorway to announce Cecilia Bolocco, “Huuuugiiiiitooo!!! Look who’s here!!! Ceeeciiii!” Cecilia enters and Hugo greets her in his usual effusive way. He helps her take off her fur (which he promptly puts on!) and has her take a pirouette. They schmooze and flatter each other and Patricia has to barge in on the action. She explains to Cecilia Bolocco that she understands the pressures of being a beauty queen. Cecilia asks her if she was one too and Patricia tells her that she was, but of her high school. She manages to work in that she studied finance. Cecilia asks her if she is then a financier, but Patricia explains, no, that she got married. “Oh, so then you have children?” “No, well then I separated…” replies the oblivious Patricia. Cecilia doesn’t know what to make of her, but Hugo tells Patricia to take herself off. He then shows off his collection.

In Armando’s office, Mario doesn’t like the latest turn of events. He feels that Armando is crazy to go to Palm Beach in light of what it means for the collection. He offers to intercede with Marcela. As he leaves, Betty enters and apologizes for what happened. Armando asks her if she manipulated the situation and she responds, “Noooo… How could I? You could check with the vendors…” She tells him that the vendors want to know if he’ll keep his appointments with them and he distractedly admits that he doesn’t know. She notes this preoccupation and offers to bring him an herbal tea. He looks at her and realizes that she’s trying to help and agrees gratefully.

Sofia and Berta have heard about Cecilia Bolocco being there and want to meet her. Betty comes out and asks what’s up and when they tell her that they want to go (Aura Maria will introduce them), Betty tells them that it’s not a good idea, you know how Hugo is… Just then, Hugo approaches with Cecilia; he warns her about the feas. Berta gushes that they’ve had many beauty queens at Eco Moda before, but never a Miss Universe! Hugo enumerates Cecilia’s many credentials, then introduces the group, assigning them all mocking beauty queen titles…Sandra is Miss Nevada (snow-capped mountain), Mariana is Miss brownie, Aura Maria is Miss Pechugin… but his nastiest comment is for Betty. Cecilia, to her credit, is very nice to them all, but especially to Betty. They continue down the hall.

Mario is trying to smooth things over with Marcela but doesn’t really want to be involved in her fight with Armando. He suggests that he can handle the Palm beach trip instead of Armando. Cata gets off the elevator and greets them with the good news that she’s managed to make many good arrangements with the press, etc., for the collection premiere. Mario tells her what a shame that her work was for nothing and she tells him not to joke with her. “No, it’s not a joke,” he replies, “because they’re now not going to make their production date.” Cata looks to them for an explanation but Marcela has noticed Cecilia Bolocco with Hugo and asks who that model is with Hugo. Patricia is only too happy to rush up and tell her it’s Cecilia Bolocco and offers to introduce her. before Marcela can say “boo”, Patricia has rushed off to Cecilia Bolocco, “Ceeeciiiii…!” She grabs Cecilia Bolocco and pulls her off running to meet Marcela who’s looking more than a little embarrassed. Patricia introduces Marcela and Cata, then turns to Mario and makes a face. He steps forward and introduces himself suavely. Armando comes up bellowing for Betty and asks if they’ve seen her. Marcela and all look at him oddly and she fake-sweetly tells him that she’s off to her apartment now, “mi amor.” He notes sarcastically, “Oh, so now I’m mi amor!” Marcela tries to calm him down and she introduces Cecilia Bolocco. Armando continues his rant for a second and then the name sinks in and he’s a little embarrassed. “Why didn’t you tell me Cecilia was here?” “Well, we tried to…” Marcela tells Cecilia that she and Armando were just having a stupid fight, but it’s all over now. (big fake smile) This is news to Armando. She tells him that she’s going with Mario and all is settled and she bids Cecilia good-bye. Hugo takes Cecilia off with Cata. Armando tells Patricia to leave, “Puff!” He and Mario look admiringly after Cecilia. Mario teases Armando that now he can stay with Betty (mock Betty laugh). He asks about leaving some detalles and Armando tells him to lower his voice. Mario offers to leave a supply of detalles for him to give her daily. “Thanks, organizer!” says Armando, sarcastically as he leaves.

Betty has returned to Armando’s office with his herbal tea and notes the latest “detalles” on his desk as she straightens up but when he enters, pretends to not have seen anything (she is, however, smiling). He notes her reaction and is a little embarrassed. He hands her the caramels and the card and tells her that he’d planned to leave it on her desk like the others, but wasn’t sure. He hopes that she’ll like them. Betty delightedly accepts them and assures him that she will. Inside her closet, she tears open the card and reads the note in which “he” explains that he feels closer to her than ever, knowing about her story. She rushes back out and shyly smiles at him. He nervously looks at her and she teasingly reminds him of his lunch date at the club. She then thanks him for what he wrote in the card, “You’ve returned me to life! What I read was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read!” She hugs him tightly and he tells her that she doesn’t have to thank him. The door to his office opens and it’s Marcela (fortunately, she entered backing in!) and they burst apart, startled. She asks about lunch and he tells her that he has a club date and he asks her to call him when she gets to her hotel. “Why?” she responds cynically. He insists and he leaves for his lunch. In the hall, he turns expectantly to look at Betty and tells her that he’ll see her this afternoon. He looks again, as if to say something, and walks away. The cuartel comes up and asks Betty if she’s ready for lunch. She tells them she only needs to get her things, but Marcela tells her that she’s not going to lunch with the cuartel, she’s inviting Betty to lunch with her at l’Noir. “Hurry, I only have an hour.” Betty looks like she’s going to an execution but the cuartel is impressed by the invitation. Patricia is shocked by this invite, but Marcela feels that she must confront the situation. Marcela and Betty enter the elevator together, each with a determined step.

Mario is choosing a daily supply of details to leave for Armando. Armando enters and asks if he wants to get lunch, but Mario tells him he can’t — it’s not easy picking these out. Armando leaves him to his task. Mario finishes up his goodies and ties up the bag. He has put a label on it for Sr. Armando Mendoza.

In the restaurant, the two women are seated. Betty stumbles on her way to the chair. Marcela asks her if she wants wine and is disgusted when Betty only asks for a juice. It’s time for business. Marcela turns to Betty and tells her that it’s time to lay the cards on the table!

Betty and Marcela are having lunch and Marcela confesses her fear of losing Armando. Marcela asks for Betty’s help and advice. Marcela seemed really sincere. Betty was noticeably uncomfortable. She tried to avoid saying anything, probably from guilt. Marcela told Betty that she knew she was on Armando’s side, Betty told her that she was on his side because she was his assistant and that if she were her assistant she would probably be on her side. Marcela nodded in agreement. Marcela finally realized that Betty wasn’t going to reveal any personal information and stood from the table to leave. Betty felt bad and told her that maybe Armando was acting different because of all the fights they have had lately and all the problems with the company and that they were both very stressed. And that if they fell in love it was because they saw something in each other that made them fall in love. Betty suggested they spend some time together to rediscover their love. Marcela tells Betty that that was what she planned for the trip to West Palm Beach, but that now she’s going alone and he is staying here…..and she doesn’t know what she will be coming back to. Betty said nothing and they both leave.

Betty arrives at Ecomoda and Sandra and Marianna immediately started to ask her what happened at lunch with Marcela. Betty tells them to forget about it because she isn’t going to say a word.

Sandra gives Betty the blue bag she found on Mario’s desk with Armando’s name on it. She tells Betty she doesn’t know what it is. Betty takes the bag to put it in Armando’s office.

Betty is in Armando’s office when he calls her. He tells her how embarrassed he is that Ceclia witnessed the fight between Marcela and him. He asks Betty to tell Hugo that he wants to meet with her in his office. Betty calls Hugo and relays the message.

Betty is straightening Armando’s desk when Sandra walks in. Sandra asks Betty if she has opened the blue bag. Betty says no and that she will wait for Armando to arrive. Sandra can’t believe the curiosity isn’t killing Betty. Sandra asks if she will open it, she offers to stay and help her. Betty says no and Sandra leaves.

Betty heads for her office and takes one last look at the bag. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she goes back to Armando’s desk and sticks her hand in the bag. She pulls out a small toy, Betty laughs, and unties the bag. She begins to pull out chocolates, cards, and toys, all the while smiling (I’m assuming she thought these where things Armando bought for her).

Then Betty pulls out an envelope. She opens it and begins to read the letter that Mario left for Armando. (Wait while I grab a box of tissues)

Mario letter says a mouthful I will summarize the letter and sometimes I’ll just write exactly what he wrote….he opens the letter by saying that the items in the bag are what Armando will need to continue to romance the monster. He instructs Armando on what cards to give her and when to give them to her. He says that Armando will most likely make love (horror) to Betty the day of Adrianna’s party and instructs him on what gifts to give her. He tells Armando that this time he has written very generic cards, since he doesn’t inform him on what Betty and him do like he used to he can’t write specifics. Remember to leave them on her desk as I have been doing. You can’t forget, these little things is what drives her crazy. He goes on to say that Armando broke his record by bringing Betty to his apartment, more that broke it he torn it to shreds. The doorman made fun of how ugly Betty was.

While reading this letter Betty looks like she is in shock she stops reading it very sentence or so, it’s like the words are physically hurting her. She sits down. When she reads the part about the doorman she bursts into tears.

Mario’s letter goes on to say that Armando can’t abandon Betty this weekend, especially since she will probably expect to be with him a lot since Marcela isn’t here. He will have to have sex with her, so have a few drinks so that she will look more beautiful. But be careful because Patty may follow you. You can’t ruin the wedding with Marcela, that has to take place no matter what, Mario wrote. Remember that Nicolas is behind Betty and you don’t want to lose the company to her and him. Remember that with every kiss you give Betty and every time you have sex with her you are saving Ecomoda. Don’t forget you need Betty to manipulate the report for the meeting. You need to keep her happy so I’m sorry to say you will have to have sex with her again. Nothing makes an ugly woman more happy than having sex. I know I know you are probably making disgusting faces right now but you must stay focused. Don’t worry Mr. President you soon will be happy again surrounded by beautiful woman and this horrible thing will be behind you.

Head up Mr. President


Mario Calderon

Betty drops the letter and starts sobbing. (I did too)

Cecilia walks into Armando’s office and finds Betty laying back in Armando’s chair. Betty looks like someone just ran over her. Cecilia asks Betty if she’s okay, Betty barely realizes she there. Betty snaps to and quickly gets up and starts putting all the stuff, including the letter back into the blue bag. Cecilia asks again if she is okay. Betty yells at her and says that a woman like her could never understand, she tells her to wait for Armando.

Betty storms into her office crying. Cecilia comes in behind her and asks what she meant about her comment. Betty is annoyed and asks to be left alone. Cecilia insists. Betty gets angry and tells her that a woman like her could never understand what she’s going through or what she’s been through. Cecilia asked if she was in love. Betty responds that what does it matter if I love when no one loves me in return. Men fantasize about being with a woman like you, you are the ideal, your Ms. Universe. Men make fun of me, use me, push me away. Cecilia tells Betty not to be prejudiced about this kind of pain. Beautiful woman do get hurt. She confesses to her that she wasn’t always pretty, she used to be an ugly duckling and people made fun of her just like Hugo does to Betty. Betty tells her that now she’s pretty and she can feel better about herself now. Betty says that there are a lot of woman who are ugly and through make-overs or surgery they become beautiful, but that would never happen to her, she was born ugly and would always be ugly.

Cecilia tells her that she got her heart broken once and she thought she was going to dye. Pretty has nothing to do with feeling better, it’s how you feel about yourself. Cecilia tells Betty that she got her heart broken when she was beautiful not when she was ugly. She said that beautiful woman don’t have it made, we never know if a man truly loves us or if he wants a trophy on his arm. It’s hard to find someone who will truly love you. Cecilia at this point is in tears, Betty is listening closely. Cecilia tells Betty a phrase that originates from China, it’s something that helped her feel better when she was in her shape. She said that when you are sad and new chance for you to be happy is born. Cecilia stands up and hold Betty’s hands and tells her she hopes Betty will find happiness again. Cecilia leaves.

Hugo asks Catalina to go check on Cecilia. He’s worried Armando is hitting on her. Catalina goes to Armando’s office. Betty is in her office reading the cards that Mario had place in the bag. Each card had a little note attached from Mario with further instructions. One of the notes Mario wrote was attached to a pretty card, Mario’s note read, you should give this card to Betty the day after Adriana’s party, I’m assuming you had sex with her that night. The card reads that he (Armando) realized after making love last night that he wants to make love to her for the rest of his life. Betty starts crying. Catalina walks into Betty’s office and asks where Cecilia went. Betty straightens herself up and dries her tears and tells Catalina that Armando didn’t show up and Cecilia couldn’t wait anymore and left. Catalina notices Betty is crying and asks if she is okay, Betty tells her she’s fine and that she has a cold. Catalina says she isn’t surprised because of the office she’s in. Catalina asks Betty if she is sure that is all she has, Betty laughs, fakely and says that it is just a cold. Catalina leaves, but knows something is wrong. Betty continues to read some of the notes and starts remembering her last night with Armando. She remembers how he kissed her and how she told him it was beautiful and how he agreed. Betty snapped out of it and decided that this must be some sort of joke from Mario. She starts putting everything in the bag again, all the while repeating to herself that this must be a joke (she seemed like she really wanted to believe it).

Betty leaves the office and Berta and Sofia ask her what happened during lunch. Betty seems very distant and asks what lunch? Bertha says your lunch with Marcela. Betty says oh, that doesn’t matter. Betty walks away.

Betty goes to Sandra’s desk. Sandra asks her why she is holding the blue bag, she asks if she wants her to take it from her. Betty says no not yet.

Betty takes the blue bag past Mariana and Sandra, who notice that Betty is acting strangely as if her thoughts are elsewhere. Betty has taken the bag to the copier room and makes a copy of Mario’s letter of instruction … she puts the original back in the envelope.

Armando arrives at Eco Moda asking after Cecilia Bolocco and is furious to hear that she’s already left. Patricia tells him that maybe she left because Betty’s company was too boring and Armando says to himself, “I’m going to kill Betty!” and heads off to his office. Patricia answers to his departing back that he would be doing them all a favor (by killing her). Mariana and Sandra look on astounded and, just then, Betty walks back by with the blue bag. Mariana tells her that Don Armando has arrived, neurotic as always, and he’s looking for her. Betty asks if he asked about the bag, but Sandra responds that he just asked about Cecilia Bolocco. Betty gives the bag back to Sandra and asks her to put it back in Mario’s office as it must have Don Armando’s name by mistake. Sandra and Mariana are very curious about the bag and ask if Betty looked inside, but Betty said that she didn’t, she just assumes that it must not be Don Armando’s if he hasn’t asked for it. Patricia interrupts and tells Betty that she better get over to Presidencia because Armando is looking for her and is probably going to strangle her for letting Cecilia Bolocco go. Betty walks away and doesn’t even bother answering Patricia’s nasty digs. After Betty leaves, Sandra tells Patricia that she should just limit herself to breathing. :o)

Sandra places the package back on Mario’s desk, is tempted to look in it, but instead she just waves goodbye to it.

Betty comes into Armando’s office looking like a zombie. Armando asks her what happened with Cecilia Bolocco and Betty responds that she couldn’t wait for him any longer and she had to leave. Armando then wants to know if anything else has happened in his absence and Betty, still with that ‘back from the dead’ look on her face, hesitates and tells him that Cata is looking for him. Since Betty is behaving so strangely and just staring at him, Armando asks if anything’s the matter, but Betty gives him a faint smile, shakes her head and tells him that nothing is wrong.

From her office, Betty calls Hugo’s taller and tells Inesita that Don Armando is back and he would like to see Cata in Presidencia. After she hangs up, she tells herself, while the tears start to flow again, that the letter has to be a lie, a mistake … it can’t be true.

Freddy walks onto the second floor and hands Patricia her monthly bills. Patricia is distraught, tells him that she doesn’t want to see them and asks him to take them away. Freddy retorts that he’s only the messenger and heads over to Sandra and Mariana to hand them their correspondence. Betty walks back out and asks Sandra if Mario has called yet and mentioned the package. Mariana notices how pale Betty is and they both ask her if something is wrong. Betty once again tells them that nothing is the matter and asks if Don Armando has asked about the package. Sandra tells her that he hasn’t and adds that she should go home, she doesn’t look good. Betty nervously asks Sandra to let her know if she hears any news on the package … Sandra assures her that she will. In the background we hear whines … they belong to Patricia as she is opening up her correspondence. Sandra retorts that this month’s serenade has already started. :o)

Freddy keeps distributing the mail and hands some envelopes to Sofía and Bertha. Sofía is surprised that the envelope that Freddy gives her is addressed to her personally and is even more surprised when she begins to read the letter that’s inside. Betty walks past them and into Presidencia, where Armando is meeting with Cata and looking over the estimates for the launching of the new collection. As previously, Betty just stands near the door staring at Armando … as if willing the nightmare to be over. Cata tells Armando that the catering estimate is missing, but she’ll add that and bring it back. Armando tells her to just give everything to Betty and Cata walks over to her and gives her the existing estimates and tells her that one is missing but she’ll bring that by shortly. Like an automaton, Betty takes the paperwork from Cata but doesn’t answer her, so Cata asks her if she heard her. Betty blandly responds that she did and walks into her office, leaving Armando and Cata looking after her questioningly.

Sofía calls El Cheque and heatedly asks him if he’s hired a lawyer to send her letters. Efraín asks her to calm down, but Sofía tells him she will not because the letter she received talks about dividing their assets … what assets??? Efraín tries to cut her short but Sofía tells him to be a man and answer her question … what assets? Efraín tells her that the lawyer said that they have to split their assets. Sofía tells him that the only thing they can split is the car because it’s the only asset of the marriage. Efraín advises her that the lawyer is studying other options and, once again, tries to hang up, but Sofía is persistent. Just then, Efraín’s cell phone rings and he answers it while he’s still on the phone with Sofía (he’s got one phone to each ear) … he says “mi amor …”. Sofía, thinking that he is talking to her, tells him not to be two-faced and start calling her “mi amor”. Efraín tells his cell phone that he will be heading over to Eco Moda and will be there in 20 minutes. Sofía, still under the impression he is talking to her, smiles and asks Efraín if he is in fact coming over in 20 minutes. Efraín confirms to the cell phone that he’ll be there in that amount of time. At that precise moment, Jenny walks by Sofía’s desk talking on her cell phone and saying, “¿20 minutos, mi pupuchurro?” When Sofía realizes that Efraín was talking to Jenny and not to her, she totally loses her cool. She tells Efraín that if the lawyer’s letter is referring to the car, well that’s all well and good but he shouldn’t aspire to anything else. Efraín tells her to talk to the lawyer. Sofía wises up and demands to know if he’s after the house … Jenny interrupts on the cell phone again and tells him he can’t keep talking to Sofía because he’ll never make it to pick her up. Sofía tells her to shut up and Jenny tells Efraín that Sofía is getting aggressive again. Efraín tells Sofía not to be aggressive to Jenny and Sofía reminds him that the house is an inheritance she received from her family and he has no right to it. Efraín once again tells her to discuss this with his attorney and Sofía finally hangs up. Sofía turns to Jenny and warns her that if they mess with her house, she will be more than happy to take them flowers to their cemetery. :o) Jenny, who is still on the cell phone, tells Efraín.