这貌似是我看过最米国英雄主义的ADR丫丫文,我只想问,Dos Caras Jr.和Alberto Del Rio怎么可以同时出现呢?那么Alberto Rodriguez到底要演哪个角色?另外一个谁去演?

Re: Alberto Del Rio Legit Injured?

It would be nice to have two Del Rio. Something like Zorro, Superman or Mr America.

Don Alberto del Rio and his mysterious enemy Dos Caras.

- You have the heel vociferating from his wheelchair and commanding his evil henchman and monster (Brodus Clay).
- You have the unknown masked face saving the day and fighting alongside his masked sidekick Chimera (Ricardo Rodriguez).

I know most fans won’t be surprised and won’t fall in the trap (especially with internet), but i think it could be a funny, surprising and interesting developement for Del Rio.

I would love to watch Dos Caras and Chimera saving Sine Cara and Cena from an apeshit Brodus Clay during the Rumble and accepting to let another face win it quitting the ring after the save.

Dos Caras and Chimera would become the main opponents of Del Rio/Brodus Clay, Sine Cara and the Sine Cara Negro team during an epic feud which finishes when Dos Caras finally champion reveals his real identity shocking the fans, but turning definitely face as Dos Caras.

Of course translated later in spanish.

" When I was injured, unable to fight and unable to move, I saw God. I listened to his voice and to the angels. I understood that my actions weren’t honorable. I wasn’t uno hombre honesto. I wasn’t uno hombre superior. It wasn’t my destiny, my honor. I thought about my family, my dad and my fellow luchadores.. I saw my former mask lying on the floor and i decided to stop my lies. I am not rich, I am not an aristocrat, I am not uno rudo. I am a uno technico luchador. I am Dos Caras Jr , the son of Dos Caras, nephew of Mil Máscaras”.

“And for the honor of Mexico, I will destroy you”.
