xrspook:我完全就没想明白这则新闻的时间到底是如何推断出来的。El Patrón 2月26-28(周四到周六)在墨西哥摔角,3月1日(周日)在ROH 13th Anniversary对阵Jay Lethal,ROH上他还是好好的,到3月6日(周五)Northeast Wrestling的时候就说右腿股四头肌撕裂?但他3月1日到3月6日之间就没有在墨西哥进行任何摔角表演啊亲!那段时间他在墨西哥,他在为Rey Mysterio回归AAA做各种媒体宣传工作啊好不!只能说,他在平时锻炼时拉伤了?右大腿有问题是摆明的,大腿最大的肌群是前面的股四头肌和后面的股二头肌,捆成了粽子,天知道是前面还是后面的问题,说不定消息说股四头肌有问题实际上是股二头肌有问题了呢(还有可能前后都不是,是大腿内侧的内收肌群)。受伤了是肯定的!但到底是伤哪里?到底是什么时候的事?消息终归只是消息,知道有这么回事但别尽信。

PS:昨晚睡觉的时候突然想到,写这则消息的人该不会觉得星期三播出的Lucha Underground是现场直播的吧?!如果真是就亮瞎我狗眼了!因为首先,LU是在米国洛杉矶录制的,其次,是录制!录制!录制!都是周六录制的好吗!

Alberto El Patron Injured In Mexico Last Week, Main Event Against Matt Hardy Changed

By Marc Middleton | March 09, 2015

Alberto El Patron (Alberto Del Rio) is currently suffering from a torn quad after wrestling a match this past Wednesday night in Mexico. Patron did work Friday night’s Northeast Wrestling event in Waterbury, CT but was limited in the ring.

At the Northeast Wrestling event on Friday night, Patron was scheduled to face Matt Hardy but the match was changed to Patron and Hardy vs. The Young Bucks due to the injury. They shot an angle earlier where The Young Bucks attacked Patron and injured his ankle until Matt Hardy made the save and proposed the tag match, which Hardy and Patron won.

Patron worked the tag match with his thigh wrapped up and looked to be legitimately injured. Hardy wrestled just about the whole match by himself. Del Rio also did a pre-show meet & greet appearance.
